I have just now realized the extent to which a young family can annoy another person. I eat my lunch in a quiet cafe on campus at work. Today a couple and their young DD around 3 were eating at the table next to me.
They talked in baby voices loudly, told the DD how amazing and cute she was and sang kids songs in a very animated way.
All in all they did nothing really wrong... But I was thoroughly annoyed! Yep, I am a mother who is annoyed by other people's kids.
PS- the kid was not cute (not speaking about looks just her general behavior). She was loud and ran around the table in a very distracting way.
Re: Kids are annoying
Yeah that would probably annoy me too.
...of course, now I'm thinking about whether I've ever talked to DD in a questionable voice out in public...
My neighbors across the sidewalk have a 2/3 month old daughter.
The baby talk oh my god I want to punch them.
Also they bought her one of those hybrid ride on/walk behind toys. The kid can't even support her own head and mom was trying to push her around on it. I was just like WTF you gigantic morons.
I love my own kids and only marginally tolerate others.
BFP #2 11/30/09 EDD 08/12/10- Sophia Grace born 8/1/10
BFP #3 11/16/10 EDD 08/04/11- Samuel Richard born 7/28/11
BFP #4 01/04/12 EDD 09/19/12- Simon Nathaniel born 9/6/12
BFP #5 03/27/13 EDD 11/25/13- Savannah Lee born 11/18/13
This is me. I've never really been kid friendly. I'm great with my own kid which had helped me with interacting with others, but only when they're like baby to 3 or 4. For now I'm still clueless when it comes to hanging out with a 5-16 yo lol.
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Baby talk from the parents I could live with. It's listening to parents constantly and LOUDLY scold their children that annoys the he!! outta me. If your kids can't behave that you have to keep yelling at them, then don't take them out to eat. I treated myself to Cheesecake Factory one night--can't remember why--and almost the entire restaurant was empty. They put me next to this family where the father kept loudly scolding/yelling at his kids (who, in all honesty, should have been old enough to know better). Listening to him stressed me out so much that I've NEVER gone back to CF since.
A similar thing happened a couple weeks ago when DH, DS and I went to Steak & Shake. I was like, if I have to hear the woman at the next table yell at her son to eat his burger loudly enough for the rest of the restaurant to hear it one more time, I'm going to freakin' scream. I finally made a passive aggressive comment to DH (loud enough for her to hear) about how I get so annoyed with people like that.
My kid isn't always the best behaved, but since he was sitting next to me in the booth, I could ask him to sit down or eat his chicken strip in a normal voice that only he and DH needed to hear. The real kicker was when the family finally left (b/c kid wasn't eating his burger). They stopped at the gumball/toy machines on the way out. I couldn't help but be all judgy and think, "Aaaand that's why you have problems with your kid in public." My kid (who is only 16 mos right now) doesn't eat his burger, he ain't getting a dang toy. If he pitches a fit, tough. We're on our way out the door anyway.