My BIL cheated on his wife (who everyone hated - I am NOT excusing his behavior but giving you an idea that the family isn't all torn up about it) with a colleage who was also married. Two divorces are now in the works (thankfully he doesn't have kids but she does have one).
We went to visit over the weekend and BIL brought his new woman over to meet us and I do honestly think she's very nice and she seems to be really supportive of BIL reconnecting with all of us. According to him, his wife always threw out party invites, cards anyone sent, etc. She was verbally abusive and would berate him about wanting to spend time with family, wouldn't join him at things and would yell at him when he'd get home from visiting so he just stopped.
The super awkward part is that we had to sit there and listen to both of them talking about how the scorned wife & husband have joined forces to remove expensive and sentimental items from the two homes. They went on and on about how horrible they're being and all I could think was "Eh, ok maybe your spouses are asses. But you CHEATED on them. How the hell did you THINK this was going to go?" Ugh.
Re: Family awkwardness
You can always change the subject.
My BIL divorced his crazy wife. It was a pretty bad situation. He's now remarried. But everytime we get together with my IL's, someone brings up the subject of the crazy ex-wife and it turns into a rip fest and all the bad things that happened during the divorce are rehashed. I've gotten to where I'll say "Let's talk about something else. We don't need that negative energy around here, and I'm not letting that woman have power over me." And then I'll bring up a different subject. Works every time.
It's hard because it's happening right now so it's not a rehash but more of a "Day in the Life" thing. Plus, my MIL HATES the ex-wife to be and is fully supportive of the new relationship. I mean, we all are supportive, we just all recognize that it happened in a bad way. He's an adult and he's happy so fine. My DH did say to him "Well, I think it's fair to say they're reacting in the way most people do when this happens."
No shitt, right? I mean, my mother stories top ANY of this stuff but still
I AM happy if BIL is happy because I know he hasn't been for years. They've slept in separate rooms for 14 years and it's not because anyone snores. They seriously were roommates. I just feel really strongly that he needed to man up and move out/separate before starting a new relationship.
Probably the best thing to say. How awkward!
Burned by the Bear