We are going on vacation next week with our kids. We are staying in a big beach house with my mom's side of the family. We are sharing a room w/ our kids. The room has 2 bunk beds in it. The bottom bunks are full sized beds. DS1 will sleep on one bunk bed, DS2 will be in his PnP and DH and I will be on the other bunk bed. I'm not really into doing it with my kids in the room. It seems to me like there is going to be little to no time for sex. Are we screwed? (no pun intended).
Re: vacation with kids = no sex?
True story.
Please don't have sex with your kids in the room! Gross!
vacation with kids always = no sex for us. it's a week.
also, plus ick factor of other families in nearby guest rooms. ack.
This, plus it's a bunk bed. Please don't rock your kid to sleep that way.
I'm glad i'm not the only one with that horrid thought.
No sex. It's a family trip, NOT a vacation. At least that's the way I looked at it. We took a very similar trip with my parents and aunt to Florida last month and we also shared a room with DS in his peapod. There was no sex.
look at the birds | bless this food
Am I missing something? It sounds like there will be other adults, and possibly kids there. Is your family not the type to take turns watching the kids in order to give adults breaks?
You're staying at a beach house. I imagine the kids will be spending a lot of time on the beach during the day. Is it that hard to ask grandma to watch the kids for an hour and sneak back into the house?
There are 2 sets of bunk beds in the room. DS1 will be on one set, DH and I will be on the other. Not that it matters, b/c I woudn't do it with him in the room period. I certainly wouldn't be doing it with him in the same bed!
Ah gotcha. I missed that from the original post.
Shower sex, but that could still go wrong.
How big is the back seat in your car? How big is everybody else's back seat?
Garage? Does the door lock?
How big is the neighbor's back seat?
Ever had sex in the ocean?
I wouldn't have sex while sharing a vacation home with my parents even if my kids were in a different room.
Shower together.