We got the go ahead from our pedi to start solids. So far we've only been doing a little rice ceral mixed wih her formula. Her poo hasn't changed so I haven't been spraying or anything, just been rinsing, washing, & rinsing. We are ready to start veggies this week...do I need to start spraying the diapers before tossing in the pail? How will I know when I need to start this? TIA!
Re: Starting Solids & Cloth Diapers
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
Trust me, you'll know.
We went into the peanut butter phase about 2 weeks into solids. That needed to be sprayed.
This. I use biodegradable liners over my inserts, they're a sheet that I just lift away into the toilet and flush, and that takes care of the mess most of the time. Otherwise, I dunk, because I don't have a sprayer. It's not really that big of a deal, because dd started pooing less often when she started solids, and now she's to a reliable every other day, so I can tell when to use a liner!