I work in a walk-in clinic that is open from 8a-8p, 7 days a week. We have to lock the doors at 8:00 to keep inconsiderate people from barging in after hours, even if there are still patients in the building. We constantly have people walk up to the door, pull the handles, walk to the other door, pull the handles, put their hands up to the glass and look around inside, and get irritated before they leave. Um, hello, the hours are on the door. They will call or come in the next day and say they came right at 8:00 but we were already closed. "Um, yes, we close at that time." Seriously, we are there for 12 hours + straight, don't close for lunch, and have families of out own to get to. You cannot get mad at us because we closed at the time our door clearly states. I bet you like getting off from your job on time.
We already have a policy that states if someone calls and states they are on their way, but will be after closing getting there, we have to wait for them. But these people come in 2 minutes til (I know, still "open") with sinus problems that they have had for 3 weeks. I want to scream, "what made your sinus problems urgent at 7:58?????"
I just have to smile and try to remember that these people coming in means I keep my job, but seriously, I'm tired and ready to go home!! Andplusalso, there is an ER 2 minutes down the road!
/rant Thanks for listening!! LOL
Re: People amaze me! rant
This used to drive me nuts as a server. People would walk in 5 minutes before we closed and sit down to eat. To make it even worse, they would "camp out" after they ate. I had a table come in 5 minutes to close and 2 hours after close, they were still hanging out. My manager finally went over to them and said "Seriously, like we have to close. You have to leave." It's not freaking Denny's - open 24 hours a day!