I forgot to bookmark that site where you enter in your name list and it gives you others similar or with the same taste as yours. Can anyone remind me what it is called? TIA
The site that created nymbler is pretty cool, it's babynamewizard.com and they have sibling suggestions and a paid service that gives you all kinds of options to look up names by.
Re: Baby Naming Site?
Yes, thanks for your quick reply!! I know it's a common topic but couldn't place it! Thanks!!
You could also try www.babycenter.com. It gives you suggested names based on a name, or even sibling names, or similar sounding names.
I don't have much luck with Nymbler. I put in quite "unique" names, and it will spit out Jacob as a choice, seriously??
I was just going to write that--I like the baby name wizard site and they have a great blog and now a forum