I am more overwhelmed and stressed over prepping than anything else baby related!
Can you check this and let me know if I'm correct? Mainly the stuff that is made of Rayan Bamboo, most google searches say it's a synthetic but it says it needs to be washed 6 times before using which is making me think that I can't wash them with the other synthetic? And what if they have a mix like the gdiaper inserts? Should they then go with natural fibers? AHH!
Natural stuff all wash together:
-Grovia AIO
-Grovia cotton soaker and booster pads
-bummis prefolds
- gdiaper inserts (have microfiber layer but also have hemp cotton layer on the outsides that need to be washed 5-6 times)
Synthetic all wash together just once and dry once:
-Grovia Hybrid(AI2) shells?
- BG shells and inserts (microfiber)
-Bummis Tiny Fit diapers AIO (Rayan bamboo and microfiber)
- Bummis covers (lite and whispers)
- Flip cover and insert (looks like insert is made of mainly polyester)
--Bummis Bamboozle fitteds (rayan Bamboo)
-gdiaper cover (92% cotton, but it's a cover only so I'm assuming it just needs to be washed onces with the synthetics?)
Re: Prepping...can you just let me know if this is right?
I guess I can just boil the bummis bamboozes if I don't know about that one right? Actually nevermind, no I can't they have velcro tabs...
Seriously, don't stress about it. Nothings going to be ruined if you mix them up. If the diaper is a mix of natural and synthetic I personally wash mine with the naturals... that way the oils from the natural part doesn't get on all the 100% synthetics. But once or twice I threw everything in together and saw no difference in absorbancy when I was done.
Dont't worry about it!