Hi All,
I have hardwood floors and want to lay down a nice area of foam tiles for the baby activity mat, tummy time, and general changing and stuff. Unfortunately, it looks like all of the ones offered on the usual sites are chock-full of crazily-named chemicals that might be toxic. Any recommendations for safe products, brands, or alternative solutions?
Re: Non-toxic play tiles?
BFP#3 9-4-13 Benjamin Lee born 4-28-14
Thanks - MrsNash, do you have a link?
Also, I thought I could get a couple of non-toxic yoga mats and line them up instead.
This isn't the site I found the comparisons on (I cannot remember how I found it for the life of me!) but this site suggests a couple of safe options: https://www.healthychild.org/live-healthy/faq/C183/
Here is a link to the mat on Skip Hop's website: https://www.skiphop.com/product/242000.html
It's plenty big for him to play, topple over, and roll around without hitting his head on our wood floors or coating himself in dog hair
It *did* smell a little plasticky when it came out of the packaging, but I just washed the pieces with soap and water and the smell was gone within a day.
ETA: Finally found the comparison link https://safemama.com/2010/08/24/faq-safe-play-room-flooring-whats-best/