I have been lurking on this board for only a day and I have learned more about living green than any time I have tried googling things that I can do. I think you ladies are pretty amazing to be able to live so green. Is there any books or blogs any of you can recommend? I already make my own detergent and I am stock piling on cloth diapers right now for when I become pregnant. But I am excited to try the oil cleansing method and "no poo"
Re: Honestly?
My Blog: Naturally Mindful
https://theecofriendlyfamily.com/. https://healthfulmama.com/ https://www.mindfullyfrugalmom.com/ are all good and run by bumpies!
I am pretty new to this board... but I would love to recommend the book "Happy Child, Happy World"
has been a great source of information for me!