
Hard Boiled egg help!

I feel dumb posting this because I actually can cook but I must be doing this wrong. Every time I try to make these they come out weird. The shell is hard to get off and when I peel it it pull all the white off practically leaving just the yolk. And then the yolk looks funny. Not the lighter yellow powdery consistancy but a darkey yellow/orangy color that is mushy looking. I put them in cold water in a pan en bring to just a boil then let sit in that pan off the burner for 12 mins then in an ice bath after that. What am I dojng wrong?
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Re: Hard Boiled egg help!

  • nic326nic326 member
    Yeah I do both. Am I Not cooking them long enough? The recipe I found says cook to JUST a boil but maybe I need to do it longer. DS still loves them but I worry they arent cooked
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  • nic326nic326 member
    Ok, I think Im doing it right then. It cant be that hard, my god
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  • nic326nic326 member

    Are you bringing it to a good rolling boil before removing from the heat? I let it get to a slightly violent boil and then pull it off the heat and cover.

    No, huh uh. The "incredible egg" site said to just a boil then pull it off the burner. I am going to try it your way instead 

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  • the eggs shouldn't be fresh. I'd use week old eggs.

    put the eggs in room temp water, then set to boil, once boiling, remove from burner, put the lid on it for 15-20 minutes, take the eggs out in an ice bath until same temp 

    edit: cut the burner off once boiling 

  • You probably need to start with older eggs. At least a week, preferably two.

    My new favorite way to do HB eggs:

    Place eggs directly on the rack of the oven. Bake at 325 for 30 minutes.

    Remove eggs from oven directly into ice bath. Peel as soon as they are cool enough to handle.

    This method gives perfect eggs- no grey ring around the yolks and the whites aren't rubbery.

    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • nic326nic326 member
    I was using fairly fresh eggs, that probably didnt help. Going to try again in a few days using your ideas. Thanks guys!
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  • nic326nic326 member

    You probably need to start with older eggs. At least a week, preferably two.

    My new favorite way to do HB eggs:

    Place eggs directly on the rack of the oven. Bake at 325 for 30 minutes.

    Remove eggs from oven directly into ice bath. Peel as soon as they are cool enough to handle.

    This method gives perfect eggs- no grey ring around the yolks and the whites aren't rubbery.

    The oven? No kidding. Have to try this! 

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  • Yup. The whites are almost creamy as opposed to rubbery. Perfect yolks.

    I used farm fresh eggs (as in under a chicken 4-5 days ago) and had the peeling problem, so do make sure that you age them a little.


    AKA KnittyB*tch
    DS - December 2006
    DD - December 2008

  • imageAnnapolisLari:

    You probably need to start with older eggs. At least a week, preferably two.

    My new favorite way to do HB eggs:

    Place eggs directly on the rack of the oven. Bake at 325 for 30 minutes.

    Remove eggs from oven directly into ice bath. Peel as soon as they are cool enough to handle.

    This method gives perfect eggs- no grey ring around the yolks and the whites aren't rubbery.

    Well, who knew?! I will have to try this.

    I do admit, I have been known to cheat and just pick up the pre-hardboiled eggs from Trader Joe's.

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