This is a check-in for those of us who are doing either IVF or FET with an ER/ET scheduled in May.
To put the May Flowers badge in your siggy, put the following code in your settings. <img src=>
QOTD: Who takes out the trash in your house?
crt0323 ? IVF #1 ? beta 6/1
Greely0729 ? IVF #2 ? beta 5/25
JenScott-4-09 ? IVF #1 ? beta 6/4
kb1965 ? beta 5/14
Nuttycoconut ? IVF #2 ? beta 5/30
SASSY1JA ? IVF #2 ? beta 5/21
Schlud01 ? IVF #1 ? beta 5/31
Sekura ? FET #1 ? beta 5/22
Tdoyen ? beta 5/16
Whales124 ? IVF #2 ? beta 5/29
Christy2125 ? IVF #2 ? beta 5/29
Firesiren ? IVF #2 ? beta 5/28
hugmonkey ? FET #1 ?beta 5/16
Lacy67 ? beta 5/29
Lalee73 ? IVF #1 - beta 5/31
ycristina84 ? IVF #1 ? beta 6/3
Annalisel ? IVF #2
HawkJr ? on stims
IronMom2Be ? IVF #`1 ? PGD w/FET coming up!
LeoLauren ? IVF #2
LuvWIfootball ? IVF #1
MrsTrelayne ? IVF #3
~~In the 2 week wait~~
BAKERMOMHDS ? IVF #2 ? beta 6/?
blueberries8 ? IVF #3 ? beta 6/6
Ccjones85 ? IVF #1 ?beta 6/7
dalmatinka77 ? IVF #1 ? beta 6/5
delino ? IVF #1 ? beta 6/4
Ducky719 ? IVF #1 ? beta 6/12
Eegeekwife ? IVF #2 - beta 6/4
Pinkmickey24 ? IVF #2 ? beta 6/4
Purpleyes1081 ? IVF #1 ? beta 6/10
Solarflare ? IVF #1 ? beta 6/?
Thecuddleeffect ? beta 6/7
~~Between ER and ET~~
AquaFlowers ? ER 5/28
~~Stimming/Estrogen Priming~~
Aegis2005 ? FET #1.2 ? estrogen priming (transfer 6/6)
cindyc24 ? FET #1 ? estrogen priming (transfer 6/6)
Mitzi Bishi ? FET #1 ? estrogen priming (transfer 6/8 or 6/11)
~~On Suppressant (BCP or Lupron)~~
~~Waiting to get started~~
Re: ~*~*May Flowers Check In~*~*
Update: heading for a P4 check shortly to see if I need to up my dose. I honestly can't believe transfer day is so close, or that it would have been 8+ months in between transfers.
QOTD: Both of us, but I find myself doing it more often than DH.
DX: 6/9/2011: Azoo ICSI/IVF only option for biological child
IVF #1: ER - 9/26 * ET - 10/1 * beta#1 10/13 - 140 * beta#2 10/17 - 477 * beta#3 10/20 - 1101
1st u/s at 6w6d - one hb * 2nd u/s at 8w3d - no hb detected 11/10/11 * natural m/c 11/13/11
FET #1 Jan/Feb 2012 - 3 delays - cancelled 2/13
FET #1.2 - May/June 2012 - ET 6/6/* beta#1 6/15 - 95 * beta #2 6/19 - 322 * beta #3 6/22 - 940
7/6 1st u/s @ 7 weeks - one beautiful hb - released from RE
EDD 2/22/2013
Can't wait until tomorrow!
Good luck to all ladies going for beta's today. FX'ed for you.
QOTD: both of us although lately he's not allowing me to lift anything so he's been doing it all week
Me: 26 DH: 34
MFI due to testicular cancer (but he's a champ!)
IVF with ICSI thanks to TESE
Still testing everyday and the second line is only getting darker this morning i felt super nauseaus and was having hot flashes like crazy...hope that only means good things. In other news I am actually at the hospital right now for my DH varicocele surgery.
QOTD: My DH takes the trash out and I try ad bring the bins back in for him.
Update- Testing tomorrow! Beta is on the 11th
Good luck to all with their betas today and this morning.
Last night I felt as if AF was coming. Legs felt fatigue n back pain, but then I got really hot and nauseas which is NOT my AF symptoms. Feeling better today and anxious to poas. Progestrone level is good i was told.
Dh and I take out the garbage.
Update: I had to go to the clinic anyway to pick up a prescription for more progesterone, so I asked if I could get my beta drawn (12dp3dt), two days earlier than scheduled. Beta #1 was 138:) Needless to say I am pretty shocked this cycle worked (so far)! I did get positive +hpts in the days leading up to my beta, though, so I was pretty sure when I got my first beta drawn that I was pregnant.
QOTD: We both do, but I think I do it more than him!
IVF #1 = BFN
FET #1 = BFN
FET #2 = BFN
IVF #2 = BFP, b/g twins lost at 20w due to partial abruption/PPROM
IVF #3 = c/p 5w2d
Long-shot Clomid/Prednisone cycle before next IVF = BFP, our beautiful, healthy girl born 6/26/13!
TTC again March 2014
FET #3 - May/June 2014 - all embryos arrested before xfer - back to the drawing board...
IVF #4 - July/August 2014
Not much really, trying to stay busy during the 2WW!! Beta is 6/13...
Congratulations blueberries!!!
QOTD : We both do, but usually, 80% of the time it's DH..
Me = 39 DH = 50 TTC (since 01/2009 after a short break, I stopped counting *cycles* in 2010)
DX 2010 : Unknown Infertility , AMA
HSG 2005 = Normal / HSG 2010 = Normal
SA 2005 = Normal / SA 2010 /2012 = Slightly low count : motility, morphology GREAT!
Chromosomal analysis, MTHFR, ANA's, Lupus, Protein C, Protein S, APCR = Normal 2011
M/C : 2005 (7wk), 2010 (6wk), 2011 (7wk)
8 IUI's 2010-2011 all BFN
IVF/ICSI antagonist 01/2012 #1 = BFN
IVF/ICSI antagonist long 06/2012 #2 = BFN
IVF/ICSI/CGH MDLF New Clinic/New RE 11/2012 #3 = One beautiful boy blasty frozen PGS normal
IVF/ICSI/CGH MDLF 02/2013 #4 = One more beautiful boy blasty frozen PGS normal
FET 6/20 : One 5AA PGS normal transferred Beta 1 6/28 = 53.9 / Beta 2 7/1 = 220 / Beta 3 7/3 = 550!
1 U/S 6w3d - Heartbeat 119 / 2 U/S - 7w5d- Heartbeat 169 / 3 U/S (OB) 8w5d - Heartbeat still great!
Baby G welcomed into the world 3/7/2014
SAIF / PAIF always welcome ****
Had Beta today it's a BFP!!! for IVF #2
QOTD- My hubby does
Thank you everyone for all the support, they want me to come in for another beta on Wednesday to make sure it's going up.
Me:32 DH:33
Mommy Graphics
Update: Beta came back negative. I will meet with my RE on Tuesday the 12th.
QOTD: Hubby takes out the trash, unless I get annoyed with how over full the trash is.