September 2012 Moms


We went to the Renaissance Faire today. While we were there, I sneezed, and pissed myself so badly it was dripping down my leg. Worst experience ever. Good thing I was 10 feet from a bathroom.

Anyone else have some TMI? Stick out tongue

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Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3


  • Ugh. If it helps you feel better, ive taken to crossing my legs together anytime I feel a sneeze coming on. Even in public.
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  • Haha....I'm sorry! I hold my crotch every time I sneeze. LOL
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  • klgrh6klgrh6 member
    Sneezed last night and peed on my couch...first time I've done that. DH just laughed. I guess I need to start working out my muscles...

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  • Hehe I just might have to rethink wearing dresses all the time...
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    Carina 12.28.2010 | Aurelia 9.23.12 | Chart - Round 3
  • I've had a really bad cough for nearly three weeks now.  Every time I go into a bad coughing fit, I leak on myself.  Apparently I did this over night and when I woke up, my vagina was so sore from laying in wet panties that I could hardly walk.  I caked baby powder all on myself.
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  • haha I have had a couple snissing episodes - DH laughed hysterically when I told him what snissing was.


    My TMI is that I have had excruciating nipple pain on the right side for about 10 minutes, and am contemplating sticking this bag of frozen corn directly on it.  Or cutting it off.  

    Little B 9.20.12
  • 3 TMIs for you.

    1) A couple of weeks ago I was laughing so hard I was sobbing. When I got up I realized I had pissed my pants. DH got a kick out of that.

    2) I have my monthly ob appt tomorrow and I decided to try to shave down there since I had some spotting and she may want to do a pelvic. I did the best I can, but realized I probably look like a blind man went at it with a weedwhacker because I can't see ***.

    3) I got out of the shower and took the dog out and felt moisture in my pants, went inside and there was a big white glob of CM in my underwear. So had to change them right after I got out of the shower :(

    The joys o pregnancy lol


    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I can't keep the toilet lid down because I wouldn't make it if I had to lift it up before I could sit down!  
  • I have to stop and cross my legs everytime I feel a sneeze coming on.

    My nipples are also hurting like crazy. Even just the rubbing of my bra on them makes them stand up and sting. It's getting really annoying.

  • Haven't peed myself this time around, but...

    While about 8 mos pregnant with DD, I was getting a ton of groceries for family Christmas.  Was almost done with my shopping and had a completely full cart, when I sneezed and peed myself right there in the middle of the frozen food aisle. And it was all down my pants!  Didn't  know what to do for a second, didn't want to have people see me check out in my pee-covered pants but there was way too many groceries to just put them back quickly.  So I just left my cart sitting in the aisle and walked out of the store hoping no one noticed. Called DH and he laughed his butt off. Went back the next day to get the groceries again!

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  • I've peeing myself regularly after sneezing for about 3 years.  LOL.  Gotta get on doing those kegels!!
    BFP #1 5/10/06 ...m/mc @11.5w 6/29/06 D&C 6/30/06
    BFP #2 10/29/08 ...stillborn via c/s @41w 7/20/09
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    missing my baby everyday
    BFP #3 1/20/10 My angel's little sister Grace Madison was born September 8th 2010 @37w. We're so blessed! Thank you angel for getting her here safely.
    BFP #4 12/30/11. Jackson Christopher 8/22/2012 via repeat c/s @ 37w 3d
  • Knock on wood I haven't had any snissing episodes yet, but my nipples are definitely dry and hurt a bit. The skin looks a little flaky too.
  • I did that on Saturday, while at home.
  • I puked all over myself last week - my entire dinner (scallops and pasta), and simultaneously peed myself.


    Met DH - Aug 2001 :: Married - Jan 2010 :: DD born - Sept 2012

    Babysizer Geeky Pregnancy Tracker
  • LOL!  Im about two seconds from buying some depends, no not dainty little poise, but depends!  I've come to the point where I'm scared to sneeze in public or carry a change of undies in my purse.
  • I audibly queefed at work today. So embarrassed.
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