I didn't think this board could get any slower, but it kind of has. I get the feeling people still check in from time to time, though...so, who's around? What's new in your life?
I am looking forward to the end of the school year for my kindergartener. He's got one more week. The other school moms have been very nice, but I'm ready for a break from all the usual faces and the riff raff of who does what, etc. And of course a break from the school routine. I'm sure after a week of summer vacation with my boys bouncing off the walls, I'll be somewhat looking forward to school days again. lol But summer's my favorite season, so I'm excited.
How is everyone else? What's new?
Re: Roll call - who still lurks and what's new?
I'm still here. I do reply to threads every once in a while but I admit that I mostly lurk these days.
DD graduated preschool and is on summer vacay right now...it's 55 degrees today so no swimming for us. : / She starts Kindergarten in August and I am dealing with it. I can't believe how fast she has grown. Our newest news is that after much begging from dd and much soul-searching by dh and I, we are finally getting a dog. She's a 4 mo old cattle dog mix and she'll be here Tuesday. She's coming from a rescue and we're doing a foster to adopt type thing to make sure she's a good fit for our family. I'm excited but nervous because we have been very much a one cat type of family until now. Wish us luck!
I have never even posted an answer on this board. At least can't remember doing so. But I lurk a lot. So I guess anything I have to say is not an update...just brand new. My son will be out of K in a couple of weeks. Also excited. But looking forward to net year since I will be joining the PTA.
Being inspired enough to finish some paintings and open an online store. Very pumped about that one.
I'm here. I was a big lurker before the mass FB exit, and post occassionally. Since the demographic here is mostly older kids, I don't have very much to contribute aside from the occassional birthday idea, because of having 7 nieces/nephews lol.
My little man has started crawling like crazy, and is cutting his 3rd tooth. I've had about 10 hours of sleep in 3 days lol.
Lurker over here (for this board). This board is kind of slow. DS's preschool has already ended and he just started part-time summer camp. DS starts Pre-Kindergarten this year (can't believe it).
Looking forward to all of the summer fun. Got summer season passes to a huge water park and DH, DS, and I have already taken advantage of it! What a great time that was :-)
Swim lessons registration at the Y starts soon. I was too late registering for the last session (a day after registration started!) so I'm going to get up and register at 6 am this time and hope to get a spot :-)
I'm around and post occasionally. We are building a house this summer and I hope to break ground soon! We've been working with the architect in drawing up plans since December. We should get our bid next week and go from there.
The kids are in summer camp and have a different activity daily. DS is playing baseball and both are doing swim lessons again.
I have gone thru spurts where I post regularily- I have been around for a long time. I don't really feel like mixing the nest and my real life which is why I have not joined the Facebook group. I have been lurking on the 12-24 month board and responding occasionally.
Life is good-busy. DD broke her arm last week falling off a chair, so we have had our first cast. It is bright pink and she loved it for the first two days, but now she just wants it off!
I'm still here! I started back at work this week. DS2 is 8 weeks old and awesome. Evenings are insane here, but all in all life is good. DD 6 more days of school, DS1 has 7.5. Can't believe I'll have 2 kids in elementary school next year. Crazy! Wasn't I just planning my wedding???
I still read the board every other day or so, but rarely post.
DS1 finished kindergarten yesterday. He'll start tennis camp next week. The little ones are doing their usual daycare routine!