September 2012 Moms

Belly is contracted...for the last 3 hours

It feels super tight, and rock hard.  Just like a BH except its not releasing.  Should I be worried?  I tried water, and nothing is making it better.  Baby is still moving, but its making it really hard for me to breath, and I almost feel nausea from it now.


Hmmm any ideas?

Wife, & mom to four kiddos. Athena Jane is here! 08/28/2012 Photobucket

Re: Belly is contracted...for the last 3 hours

  • I would call the dr just to be safe. That would worry me. 
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  • You should definitely call your doctor!
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  • I would definitely call your doctor.  Best of luck and let us know what they say. 
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  • rarazzrarazz member
    This has happened to me a few times, not for 3 hours though. Let us know what the doctor says! Good luck!
    Orginal September 2012 Mom
    #1 Alice born 9/12 born after 2 1/2 years on infertility
    #2 Loss 12/15
    Ttc #3

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  • lizallizal member
    Having a constantly rock hard belly is a sign that should not be overlooked.  You should go to L&D to get it checked out ASAP.
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