Jackson arrived 5/8! Here is his birth story is long, sorry!
May 7th- I dropped Ethan off at preschool then headed off to the
midwife for my 40 week appointment. While at the office I had my
membranes stripped, this was around 10:30am, I was 3cm, 40% effaced. On
the drive home I was noticed I was having contractions probably around
10 minutes apart, while they weren?t too intense I definitely noticed
them. When we got home Lance had speech therapy and I was able to sit
on the couch and watch the session and time a few contractions. They
were still between 8-10 minutes apart, though since I had just had the
membrane sweep I didn?t know if they were real contractions or just
caused by the irritation.This
continued all through the day, though pretty quickly they become 4-5
minutes apart but the intensity wasn?t increasing much so I was still
hesitant to call it early labor. Just in case though I texted Amy who
would be watching Ethan and Lance for us and the birth photographer to
let them know that this might be it. With the contractions still coming
we decided we wanted to try to get dinner in the kids to lessen the
amount of work Amy would have to do if we needed to leave before then.
We made a pizza and had an early dinner. (~4:30pm) After this we just
hung out, got the house ready and cleaned the kitchen. I wrote little
notes with how the bedtime routines for the boys went and left them on
each dresser, with their jammies and clothes for the next day. The
contractions continued to get closer, ~2-3 minutes apart and a little
more intense, we thought it might be a good time to get going.
(Especially since the classes said to go at 6 minutes apart!) We took
the boys to Matt and Amy?s house around 7 pm where they were going to
watch a movie then be brought back over here to go to bed and Amy would
stay here with them through the night. My biggest anxiety wasn't labor
and delivery, it was how the boys were going to handle us leaving and
not being there for bedtime and potentially not being there when they
woke up in the morning. We?ve never left them like that before and it
just really wore down my mind. They did great when we left though, we
didn?t make a big deal out it and just slipped out as they were playing.
Off to the birth center!7:30pm-
We called the midwife from the Medlock?s and told them we were going to
be on our way in and I found out one of my favorite midwives was the
one on call that night, Molly. That made me excited, she is a lot of
fun and has a nice sense of humor. We get there, take all our things
into the room and get a little settled. Molly says she would like to
check me for a baseline to see where I am at. Even though I have been
contracting very close together for the better part of the entire day, I
am still only 3 cm and 50% effaced and my cervix is very posterior and
she said she?d like us to go home for a little while. We told her that
the boys had just been dropped off and we can?t really go home. So she
told us to go out and go walking until 9:30, then meet her back there
and see if that jump starts anything.So
we went to Cherry Creek Mall and walked around, I was still contracting
less than 2 minutes apart so we got some funny looks in the mall when I
had to stop and breathe through contractions so often! We stopped in
the food court and Jason got a gyro and I had a few bites, it was pretty
tasty but I was nervous to eat to much. We continued to walk around
until about 9 then headed back to the birth center to get checked, I
really did not want to go home.We
get back, hoping to hear good news. That wasn't the story though, I
was still 3 cm and 50% and extremely posterior. She said to go home for
a while, that being in a familiar environment would help things
progress faster, and if it wasn't real labor then maybe I?d get a break
before things started back up again. That was the worst part, her
telling us that it could possibly not be ?time? and even though Im
contracting, I may not have a baby tonight. If I wasn't in real labor I
would not be able to handle just doing what I was doing for an unknown
period of time. That was terrifying. We
get our stuff together and drive back home. I was feeling defeated and
like a failure. How could they not let us stay?! The worst part was
that Amy was staying at our house in our bed so she could hear the boys
if they woke up and had 9 month old Lyla with her and we had to wake her
when we got there so we could use our bedroom. She was so great about
it and stayed even though we were there and took Lyla (poor baby) and
laid down on the bed in the basement. Jason and I laid down and he
tried to get some sleep while I still contracted. They remained about
1.5-2 minutes apart and started to get more intense. I was needing to
vocalize a little to get through them, just humming a little seemed to
help. Even though I knew this couldn't possibly be false labor, I was
still scared to want to go back in for fear of being turned away again.
I just didn't want to have Amy do the shuffle again with Lyla in the
middle of the night for nothing. Jason woke around 12:30am asking if it
was time to go in and I told him no, though I guess by the sound of me
he thought otherwise. He asked a few more times, to which I kept saying
no but he could call if he wanted, he called the midwife and said we
were coming in. We did the shuffle again and Amy and the baby came back
upstairs and we were off again to the birth center.The
drive there was pretty intense at times, there were a few contractions
in the last five minutes that I said ?oh holy crap? as I was vocalizing
through them because there was a lot of pressure associated, that made
me nervous! We walk in at 1:35am and Im just terrified she?s going to
send us home again. We get in the room this time, but didnt bring
anything in just in case. She immediately checks me and it seemed like
she was having to reach back a bit to get to my cervix and I started to
freak out a little inside that my cervix was still too posterior and she
was going to send us packing. I asked, is it still back there? And
she said yes and I deflated, then she said but I would say you are a
good 7cm and 100% effaced. Thank goodness!! At this time we call the
birth photographer to come in (again) that this was it and we were
staying. Jason went to the car and got our things so I could change and
we could settle in for the birth of our son.I
get up and change into the tank top I planned to wear into the birth
tub. A friend who had 2 home births had told me dont get into the tub
until you cant handle it anymore outside the water. When I got out of
the bathroom from changing I just had this feeling I needed in the
water, though I thought I was getting in too early. I step in and the
first 2 or 3 contractions in the water felt better, like it somehow
spread the pain out more across my body so it wasnt so intense. After
those few though, they were more painful than ever before and I was
having a hard time getting through them. The entire time I was in the
water I was in the squatting position leaning my arms and head on the
side of the tub. When I?d have a contraction my natural reaction was to
?run away? from it and I felt like I was trying to crawl out of the tub
over the side. I couldnt really control those actions even though I
knew they werent helpful. I didnt know at this point I was in
transition. Everything was getting even closer together and more and
more intense and painful, I would get 20-30 seconds to pant and catch my
breath a bit before the next one overtook me. I really was getting to
the point I wasnt sure how much more I could take though knowing I had
no choice either. I kept telling myself, you can do this, you can do
this, you are one contraction closer to the end, to meeting your baby.
That helped me in my moments of panic. That as well as Jason being
right there with me, telling me I was doing great and that we?d be there
soon. Now at the end of contractions I was getting urges to push, I
would push a little bit at the end of each contraction and I felt good.
Like I was pushing it away and out rather than it controlling me. The
urges got stronger and I started pushing for harder and longer periods
though I kept thinking Im wasting energy because my water hadn't even
broke yet. The pain was on the verge of completely unbearable and I was
worried that I would lose strength before the final pushes. During a
particularly strong contraction and some hard pushing my water burst and
even though I was in the water it still felt like a fire hose went off.
The next contraction was the worst yet, it forced me into immediate
intense pushing, an urge to push that freaked me out. As I was pushing
and between contractions I would reach down and see if I could feel him
coming, at this point I could feel him right there but not quite
crowning yet. The midwife reached into the water and said she wanted to
feel and see where I was at. Just her touching me put me over the
edge, and I just panted in panic saying, Please don't touch me, don?t
touch me! She backed off a little and asked me what I was feeling, I
told her nothing much yet. Then the next contraction I couldn't control
it and I just bared down so hard and could feel the ring of fire and
his head coming out, that if I could just get over the hump and finish
getting the head out I would feel better soon. I could tell that if I
quit pushing now he would not come out in that contraction, so I gave
everything and pushed through the intense, insane pain and felt his head
pop out and and I shrieked, Ohh there?s a head, there?s a head! Molly
bent into the water and prepared to catch him with the next contraction
or two. I pushed harder than ever knowing I didn't want to have to have
to use more than two contractions to get him out. At the end of the
second contraction (I think) I gave one last huge burst of energy and
felt him come out, though the midwife wasn't bringing him up. I look
down and she?s holding him underwater but still not bringing him up to
my chest. After a few seconds of manipulating she brought him up to my
chest and the pain was gone. I was holding my gorgeous, beautiful,
perfect son. I
looked down and saw a head full of dark hair, he wasnt crying, he didnt
need too. He was just laying with me as I caught my breath from the
hardest work I?d ever done in my life. He was warm and comfy and happy
and content to just be held. I just soaked him in, I couldnt see all of
him but I knew everything was okay. I fell in love. Jason leaned in
and just took it all in, his beautiful new son. He gave me a kiss
reassuring me that everything was okay. Molly said it was time to get
out of the tub so I could deliver the placenta. She and Jason helped me
up and out of the tub, it was a very strange sensation to still be
connected to the baby I was holding, it made walking so weird. We went
to the bed and I laid down and they began checking to see if the
placenta was ready to come out. They asked me to push a little, my
energy and will for pushing was gone. Now I operated on the fear of
pain since I already had my baby. I was scared to push, that the pain
would start again. I did it anyway and instead of the placenta there
was a huge blood clot. She immediately told me that she wanted to give
me some medicine for the bleeding and that it would be most effective if
administered before the placenta detached. I asked if we could was to
see if there actually was a bleeding issue and while she was a little
hesitant, she agreed. I pushed again and the placenta came out along
with 2 more huge clots. After that though we didnt end up needing the
pitocin, thank goodness. After
this they made us comfortable in the bed and asked if we wanted to see
the placenta. Both Jason and I actually did, so they gave us a ?tour?
of it, it really is a cool organ! We didnt bring it home or anything
but still, it was neat to see what was helping keeping my little boy
happy and healthy for all those months. They put it in a plastic zip
lock and didnt cut the cord for about an hour. Molly also took this
time to tell us what the holdup was getting Jackson out of the water.
Apparently he was born with his hand up by his face/ear with the
umbilical cord wrapped around his arm and holding onto it with his hand.
She had to get the cord out from his arm and hand before there was
enough slack to bring him up to by chest. Little stinker. At this
point they brought me some sliced apples, cheddar cheese slices and
crackers along with some vitamin water, then they gave us a few minutes
to be with each other. Jason and I looked Jackson over, noticed what
long fingers he has and how much hair he was born with, more than any of
the other boys. He was so happy, so content. I tried to nurse and he
was a natural, that was such a relief after having so many problems with
nursing Ethan in the beginning. The nurse and midwife would pop in
periodically seeing if we needed anything and noted that Jackson was
nursing very well. It was then that they decided I needed my first
fundal massage. OH MY GOODNESS, that was so painful!! I instinctually
pushed the nurse away from me, it was so painful and they had to do it
every 15 minutes for an hour then a few times more in the 3 hours after
that. It was awful. About
25 minutes after Jackson was born the birth photographer walked in.
She obviously didnt make it in time, it all went to fast. I am still
so sad that we didnt get those photos, that was something I was really
looking forward too. Since she was there she took some pictures of us
in bed together, of Jackson nursing for the first time and of the
midwife weighing and taking his measurements. Even though I will
forever miss the photos we werent able to get, Ill always be thankful
for the ones she was able to capture of our first few moments together. After
the first ?massage? they ran me an herbal bath that I could clean up a
bit and that the herbs would be soothing and help with healing. When I
stood up out of the bed I lost so much blood onto the floor, it just
gushed down my legs and puddled onto the floor. That was awesome since
the nurse was the one trying to catch it all. Sweet. Childbirth is not
for the squeamish! The bath was nice, afterward I got dressed and got
back into bed with Jason and Jackson, Jackson was sleeping and Jason
was ready to do the same. We decided to try to get some sleep since we
were going to be leaving the birth center at 6am and knew the boys would
be up shortly after we got home. The nurse lowered the lights and we
tried to sleep for the last hour of our stay at Mountain Midwifery. I
of course couldnt sleep, but Jason and Jackson were able to get a little
rest. The quiet time with my boys seemed to go so fast, and it was
time to load up and go home. We got our discharge directions, got
Jackson dressed and loaded into the car seat and we were headed home at
6am, almost exactly 4 hours after he entered the world. We
got home and tried to get into bed to get as much rest as possible
before the boys woke up. The boys woke up around 7:30am and Jason got
up with them and took them down and fed them breakfast. Jason also made
a nice breakfast for Amy, Lyla and Emma before they left for the
morning. Jason brought me up a plate of eggs, hash browns and bacon, it
was a nice breakfast and worked well to help wake me up. After
breakfast Jason brought the boys up to meet Jackson, I wish so much I
had known and was able to video it. Ethan?s reaction to seeing Jackson
was like Christmas morning x100, the pure joy and excitement in his eyes
and on his face brought tears to my eyes. It really warmed my heart to
see. Lance was very excited too, he tried jumping out of Jason?s arms
squealing, Hi baby! When he was put on the bed he just wanted to touch
Jackson and tell him hi over and over. The boys reactions were
absolutely priceless. Life up till now-
I started writing your birth story when you were 3 days old, you are
now 10 days old. It took awhile to have the time to sit and write and
remember and reminisce about the day you were born, it was one of the
best days of my life and I wanted to try to remember everything and
write it down so someday if you wanted you could read about the day you
entered the world, the day our lives were changed forever. On
your birthday I made an appointment to have your first pediatrician
appointment, we were to see him at 3:30 that afternoon. When we got
there they did the standard newborn exam on you, but realized they
forget to get your temp. So the Dr asked the nurse to get a temp on you
and your blood sugar then we would be on our way. She took your blood
sugar and it was very low (43) and then your temp and it was 95 degrees.
We were told if your temp reached 97 that was reason to call in, so
this was very low too. Dr. Goldburg came in and was very concerned. He
said this was a new situation for his as normally at this age the baby
is still in the hospital and if this had happened there he would have
gone straight to special care unit, been under warmers, etc. He said
the reason he?s not immediately sending us to the hospital to be
admitted was because even though your numbers were low, you were still
alert and your appearance was good. He wanted to see if we could get
your temp up in the office and get some food in you and get your sugars
up. You were too cold/weak to eat, so we syringe fed you some formula
which you promptly vomited everywhere, so we did it again, wrapped you
in blankets and put a heater on you, then we waited. After 15 minutes
they re-did everything and your temp was up to 97 and sugars in the
50?s. This was good news! We were told to make sure to keep you extra
warm and make sure you eat every 3 hours minimum for a while. I
have to say, I love your pediatrician, during all this Jason was in the
car with Ethan and Lance, this appointment ended up taking over 2 hours
so they were out there a long time. After the issues arose, Dr.
Goldburg asked what we drove, I told him but said I dont know where they
are parked because I was dropped off at the door. He said that was
fine, but he was going to walk around the parking lot and find Jason so
he could update him on what was going on. I thought that was awesome.
He also called at 9pm that night just to check on you and made sure to
update the Dr on call to our situation so if we needed help in the
middle of the night we wouldnt have to explain everything that was going
on. He gave us his cell phone and came in the next day on his day off
just so he could see you. He is great! Since
you were having sugar issues I was super paranoid about just nursing
you since I didnt know how much you were getting and my milk wasnt in
yet. I decided to pump and syringe feed you anything I got, then top
you off with formula. Luckily my milk came in a day and a half later so
I didnt have to keep that up for long. For
the first 6 days you were on a trend of sleeping one good night, then a
bad night, good night, bad night, etc. Your ?bad nights? you just had a
hard time falling asleep and it would take 1-1.5 hours to get you to
sleep then you were up 30 min-1 hr later to eat again, on the good
nights you would sleep 3 hour stretches and go right back to sleep after
feedings. Now you are having mostly ?good? nights and have stretches
of 4 hours in the morning. You are nursing extremely well and are a
fast eater like your brothers, you are done in less than 5 minutes, I
appreciate that! :0) Your
brothers are so in love with you and are always wanting to hug and kiss
and be with you. Ethan wants to know where you are at all times and
Lance love to tell you hi and rub your head. Both boys for some reason
want to touch your eye though, so we do have to watch you very closely!
Ethan finds such joy in being about to hold you, even though he?ll only
do it for about 30 seconds, haha. We
are all so in love with you and you have completely our family like the
missing puzzle piece. I cant wait to see the dynamic change and watch
where we all go from here!
Re: Jackson is here! Water birth story inside :0)
The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.
SAHM to 4 kiddos... K (5/05), N (4/09), C (11/10) and Baby A 1/13/14
Baby in a Blue Teapot
Tempest in a Blue Teapot, food and everything else
"You live, you learn, you drink, and move on." ~ Rotty