
stroller help

So I'm not sure where to post this question.

I have a one year old and a three year old.  I currently have a bumbleride indie twin, which rides great, but my kids end up pestering eachother and it makes any walk I want to take them on miserable- so I don't use it  =(

I was considering a single bob revolution (side by sides are out) and wearing one child as needed, and switching them as needed.  Then I thought of the phil and ted's explorer, which has the option to be used as a double if both children need to ride.

So I'm wondering how the bob revolution and the phil and ted's explorer (in single mode) compare to eachother.  I realize my older daughter won't be riding much longer, but it's nice to have the option still.  How does the phil and ted's handle?  I know the bob is great, but I haven't been able to try a phil and ted's.  I have found good deals that make both similar in price, so I want whichever one I will be most inclined to use, which will be based on how well my kid(s) enjoy riding in it...

Thanks for your help!!!

Re: stroller help

  • I haven't used the strollers you mentioned but have you considered a sit and stand? I've heard three is the perfect age for it because they can get up and down themselves. It might be worth checking out. Good luck.
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

  • imagelexusolsen:
    I haven't used the strollers you mentioned but have you considered a sit and stand? I've heard three is the perfect age for it because they can get up and down themselves. It might be worth checking out. Good luck.

    Sit and stand do not work great for walks. I have an indie twin but I love the  Baby Jogger City Select, expensive but would solve your issues. 

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
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  • I hated my Phil and Ted, hard to push, no room to store anything, so I ended up carrying one kid and pushing the bulky hard to steer thing around.  I sold it as soon as I no longer needed the car seat option.  I love my Mountain Buggy urban double, but it won't solve your problem.  I would look at a ride board and a bob if I were in your shoes, and keep the Indy only for long days out.  I would never buy the P&T again.  It was really disappointing.  The bob also allows for the option of sitting for the 3 year old on the front wheel.  It is hard to push that way, unless it is smooth, like a mall, but nice if you are waiting in line, on a train, or the like. 
  • I love my P&T. I have a 3 year old and a 1 year old and I use the stroller all the time - in the mall, on the city streets in Philadelphia and NYC and also on the boardwalk at the Jersey shore. I especially love that when my 3 year old is officially done with the stroller I can use it as a single. I travel light and my skip hop diaper bag hangs off the side so storage is never an issue . The only negative is that I have to fill the tires frequently, but I think that's common for air filled tires. I got it with free doubles kit and free shipping from albeebaby a year or so ago - it was a great deal.
  • Never had any complaints about my P&T, I'm not sure how the basket is considered small, but I could get my diaper bag (JuJuBe Packabe) under there with my purse and one or two shopping bags (or more). This is also with it in tandem mode, and needing room for feet.  What do I find easier to push? My Chariot, but obviously not always practicle. What do I find harder, anything with smaller wheels and plastic swivels or plastic hubs, so, for example the Graco style strollers.

    Mine has been everywhere, including rough, rocky and hilly paths, shopping malls, amusement parks, the hospital. Yes, you may have to top the air up, but not a big deal. It's far easier that greasing the axles on strollers (nothing worse than hearing metal on metal, this is for any stroller, not just P & T.

  • Thanks for the feedback everyone, I went ahead and bought a current model phil and teds explorer, I had seen great reviews for it. It was on sale for $414 total, with the doubles kit and sun cover, with free shipping and no tax. (a $665 value).

    So I hope I'm not going to regret it. I had hoped it would function in single mode similar to a bob. I don't need it for major off roading, just uneven terrain, curbs, dirt, mulch, grass, etc, and also able to manuever in small stores.  I do have a chariot for running or major offroading (or cycling) and it is wonderful, but not always practical like you said (or easily transported in my hatchback).
    So hopefully I'll be good with the chariot and the explorer, and not need anything else.
    If I end up hating it, I hope I can craigslist it for what I paid, since it was so far below MSRP.

    Thanks again!
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