
The 3 stages of the boobs & penis. Hysterical email I got from my BFF

A family is at the dinner table when the son asks his father, "Dad, how many kinds of boobs are there?"

The father, surprised, answers, "Well son, a woman goes through 3 phases. In her 20's  a woman's boobs are like melons, round and firm.  In her 30's to 40's they are like pears, still nice but hanging a bit.  After 50 they are like onions.  You see them and they make you cry"

This infuriated his wife & daughter, so the daughter said "Mom, how many kids of penises are there?" 

The mother,surprised,  smiles & answers, " Well dear, a man goes through 3 phases also.  In his 20's his penis is like an oak tree, might & hard.  In his 30's & 40's, its like a birch tree, flexible but reliable.  After his 50's, its like a Christmas tree....dead from the root up and the balls are just for decoration!"

Josh-10/1/87, Brittany 3/9/91, Mandi 7/26/92, Michelle 9/11/06 image I'M GRAPE JELLY- ALWAYS AROUND & ALWAYS THE SAME If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me. For I must be traveling on now. Because there are too many places I've got to see. -Allen Collins & Ronnie VanZant My favorite verse!

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