my 2wk old is supposed to eat 2oz every 3 hours. she is being given about an ounce of BM and supplemented with formula b/c i can't produce enough. she takes the bm first and SUCKS it down within like 5 minutes and falls asleep and then i can't get her to take anymore. sometimes she wakes up at 2hours and eats then. how do i get her to wake up adn take what she needs to eat so she gains weight./?
any help is appreciated b/c i can't handle much more frustration.
Re: overwhelmed and don't know what to do
So, your doctor wants your LO to eat 16oz of milk/formula a day? Why not just make sure you feed her that much a day and feed her whenever she wakes up? She might take an ounce to 1.5oz every hour or so instead of 2 every 3 hours.
Is she still in the hospital? If so, talk to your neo about this. If not, then just aim for the amount per day rather than making yourself all crazy with every 3 hrs.
We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)

I had a couple of feedings that did not go well today, but we were actually traveling today for a couple of hours to the inlaws. I feel like I am feeding her more on demand on this point, and I have to really watch for when she is hungry and feed her a little more then. Luckily, she is caught up on her feedings today.
Sometimes if she is not really eating, I will change her diaper (I can only imagine that a wet or poopy diaper is not the most comfortable thing). I changed her diaper a lot today.
And I am more overwhelmed with the spitup--we went through a lot of clothes today--oh the laundry.