
Breastfeeding success!.....stop pumping?

As of 4 p.m. yesterday Farrah has been breastfeeding exclusively!! She is 37 weeks adjusted gestation so officially full-term :) So my question is.... can I quit pumping? I don't know for sure how much she is getting from me. She was taking 50-60 cc's from the bottle. She goes to 2-3 hours between feedings so I think she is doing good. My breasts feel fine, haven't gotten engorged. I am so proud of my little girl...she amazes me every time I get stressed out or worried about the fact that she came early :)
Alison & Britten-Married April 16, 2011 in Miami Beach Farrah Ann arrived May 4, 2012- 6 weeks early! 5 lbs 6 oz. and 19 1/4 inches Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Breastfeeding success!.....stop pumping?

  • Congrats! My DD just started EBF last week so I know how exciting it is! Kudos to you both!

    If you've been working with a LC, you may want to check in before you totally stop pumping. I was down to 3x per day when DD started EBF and our LC suggested waiting until DD had proved herself for a week or so before I stopped pumping. I currently pump 2x and will eventually drop to 1x (DH gives a bottle in the early morning so I can sleep). 

    Congrats again! 

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  • I personally wouldn't just yet.  She probably isn't draining your breasts completely just yet.  I'd wait 1-2 weeks and be sure she is gaining appropriately before you quit. 

    But, YAY!  That is awesome.  Not much longer!

    Born at 31w3d due to severe IUGR & Placental Insufficiency--2lbs 3ounces

    We'll miss you sweet Debbie Girl (4.21.12) and sweet Cindy Girl (8.9.12)
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  • Congrats!

    I slowly cut down pumping sessions, but still kept some of them so that DH could bottle feed her.  She started rejecting the bottle at about 3m after DH was away for awhile but I kept on pumping a bit to build a freezer stash.  

    It's handy to have when you start on cereal since it's a familiar taste to mix in with it.  

    If you don't want to pump at all, I'd slowly wean by cutting out 1 session for a few days, and so on.  GL! 

    BFP(1) DD1 born 4.17.10 @ 33w5d due to pPROM
    BFP(4) DD2 born 2.14.13 @ 35w5d due to pPROM

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