
Repost on 0-3

Someone I use to be fairly good friends with just recently had a baby boy. (He is 2 months old) I have seen on FB and heard from other family members that she is abused by her b/f who is her baby's daddy. Her mother tried to help her right before she had her little boy to get away from him. She left him for no more than a week or two and ended up back in the same situation. She is the kind of person that feeds on drama and is likely one who starts fights herself with him. She has said that he was even hitting her while she was pregnant. My question is... at what point do you feel it is necessary to insert yourself into the situation to help this young child. Personally a big part of me feels that it is not my business and since I know her to be the kind of person who exaggerates and lies I dont know to trust that there really is an issue. But if no one says anything and this baby gets abused because b/f cannot handle himself, I will feel at fault in some way. I do know that her b/f has some mental issues as well that are easily seen. This makes the whole situation even more difficult. Just want some advice please. TIA

Re: Repost on 0-3

  • Unless you've seen it actually happen, I wouldn't say anything, and even then I'd be hesitant to report it.  I know it's hard, but if you know she exaggerates that makes it even worse.  The last thing you need is her BF pissed at you and take it out on you.  Unless she wants to stand up for herself there isn't much you can do.  If you know the child has been abused (either seen it happen, or bruises), then I would call CPS.  She can be self destructive if she wants, the baby doesn't have a voice to speak up.  Sorry you are going through this.
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  • Thank you so much. I havent seen/heard anything with the little boy being abused thank god. But I just dont understand how someone could knowingly put their child in a situation like this without thinking that if BF will hurt a pregnant lady why not hurt a child. Last week she also had her arms cut up like she was trying to kill herself. I just dont understand some ppl. Babies are what makes your life worth living.
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