September 2012 Moms

Brain Freeze

But so worth it.  I LOOOOOOOVE McDonald's Cherry Berry Chillers and I'm inhaling one right now, it's giving me brain freeze but I don't care.
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Re: Brain Freeze

  • I figured it was from the free Slurpee Day Wink
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  • imagetonir319:
    I figured it was from the free Slurpee Day Wink

    I heard that on the radio today and got all excited!

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  • imageManx4:
    But so worth it.  I LOOOOOOOVE McDonald's Cherry Berry Chillers and I'm inhaling one right now, it's giving me brain freeze but I don't care.

    YUM! Those are delish!!

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  • I'm totally going to get one after reading this. :)

    The Sunday newspaper magazine had a coupon for a free one and I was on the fence on whether I'd try it... SOLD! :) 


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  • My co-worker gave me the coupon from the Sunday paper. I just had a serious brain freeze from a Mc Donalds Strawberry Lemonade it is my fav so glad its back on the Menu.
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