She slept so well in the incubator and crib in the NICU but now that we are home she will not sleep soundly in her cradle or crib. She sleeps really well when she is being held or in her bouncy seat, but I don't want her to get used to sleeping in the bouncy at night. She was 34 weeks I day and is now 2 1/2 weeks old. Am I crazy to worry about her night sleeping habits this early? She is super fussy between 12 p.m. and 2 a.m. We were never at the hospital in the middle of the night so I don't know if this is normal for her. The nurses never mentioned that she was fussy at night. Also she was always swaddled at the hospital but now that we are home she fights being swaddled. She likes having her arms out and kicks her little legs like crazy. She wiggled out of a pair of pants last night!
Re: My premi hates sleeping in her crib or cradle
BFP#2 3/16/11, beta 138; 4/12 Baby/HB DS born 9/10/11 at 29w4d due to partial abruption and PTL
BFP#3 8/19/13 Another boy! 17P, modified bedrest and Nifedipine helped us have a termie! DS2 born 4/19/14 at 38w5d.
RnP sleeper was the only thing that got my son to sleep longer than an hr at night. He still will not let me transition him to his crib. He loves that darn RnP sleeper! haha