
Shoud I wake her ealier?

My baby is currently STTN. She goes down at about 9:30 and is waking up on her own between 6 and 7am.  Here's my dilemma: when she sleeps in she only eats 5 times that day. If I get her up at 6 she will probably eat 6 times.  She is eating 4 oz of either breast milk ( I EP) or formula.  I feel like she needs all the calories she can get.  But then again, she must need the sleep too. She's 13 pounds now and has plenty of wet/dirty diapers.  I get up at 6 to pump so it would be easy to get her up too.   Should I start waking her up at 6 every day to get one more feeding in?

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Re: Shoud I wake her ealier?

  • Our ped said that as long as weight gain is good and there are plenty of wet/dirty diapers, which it sounds like is all the case with your baby, then it's fine to let them sleep up to 8 hours (at least that's what our ped told us last week... though we're not nearly there yet!). When in doubt, though, your ped will set your mind at ease either way.
    Julia ~ six miscarriages ~ our sweet miracle baby, Jack, due 5/3/12, was born at 29w1d on February 17, 2012, weighing 2 pounds 8 ounces Lilypie Premature Baby tickers BabyFetus Ticker
  • When we brought DS some the hospital pedi had us feeding him strictly every 3 hours since he was a preemie. This meant we were getting up several times in the middle of the night and always waking him to feed. After about 4 weeks of that and seeing tht he had gained 2.5lbs since coming home from the hospital I decided that I would not wake him up anymore. We usually do our last feeding between 9 and 10 and sleeps until about 4 or 5. Now, if he wakes up in the middle of the night then we feed him, but I strictly refuse to wake my sleeping baby anymore to eat. He was born 5 weeks preemie at 4lb 11 oz and he's now 7.5 weeks and he's 9lbs so for us it's working, but I mean your pedi can tell you what to o, but ive honestly learned that we have to do what's right by my baby and my family. GL!
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