I've been lurking here since I got my BFP last year, but I haven't posted often. My LO is having major sleep issues, and I'm hoping one of you ladies might have experience or advice or support... I'll pretty much take anything at this point.

For about 6 weeks now, she is waking up EVERY HOUR through the night. She either rolls over from her back to her tummy and wakes up screaming because she hasn't figured out how to roll the other way yet, or she just wakes up for no apparent reason at all. I normally feed her once through the night because I know she's not that hungry (I EP and she gets bottles all day, so I know what she's taking). The other times, she'll usually go back to sleep if I rock her or give her a paci. Sometimes I'm so tired that I put her in her swing, and that used to buy me a few hours stretch, but I put her swing in her room last week to let her just sleep in it, and now she's waking up every hour in her swing too. I'm seriously about to lose it from lack of sleep, and I don't know what to do. I'm going to try the Ferber method (even though it breaks my heart), but I hate to do it when she can't roll over off her tummy yet. I've tried Tylenol thinking she's in pain from teething, but that doesn't seem to make a difference. Any ideas? Please help.
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Re: Pretty sure my LO is the worst sleeper ever... HELP!
IVF #1: 4-11-11= Transferred 1 beautiful blastocyst I named "Nugget"
5 Snowbabies! Beta#1 4/21= BFP! 226; Beta#2 4/25= 944
DS born 12/14/11
Baby #2 FET Nov/Dec 2013
12/13 Beta#1=BFP 349; 12/16 Beta#2=1,089. First ultrasound 12/26. DS#2 born 8/8/14

~~PAIF/SAIF Always Welcome~~
Have you tried or considered co-sleeping?
I'm sorry I don't have much advice but I can share my experience with DD#1. I ep'ed with her and she was such a horrible sleeper from day 1. She was up every 1.5 hours for a very very long time. Looking back I should have just let her sleep in our bed with us and saved us months of getting up 4-6x a night to go into her room to pat her back to sleep. We tried CIO several times and failed because she would cry until the point of choking and almost throwing up.
DD#2 is such a better sleeper (wakes up 2x a night) than our first even though we didn't do anything different. All that time with DD#1 I thought that I was doing something wrong but I think she was just a bad sleeper.
I was so against co-sleeping with DD#1 because I was afraid of starting a bad habit but this time around I bring DD#2 to our bed after the first night feeding and I'm getting much better sleep. She also rolls onto her tummy and cries but I just flip her back and pat her with one hand while still in bed. I know this is probably not the advice you wanted to hear but I know how exhausting it is to be getting up every hour at night and I'm thinking that maybe co-sleeping will help you get some rest! GL!!
Thank you both! This is especially helpful because I'm definitely feeling like I'm doing something wrong. I told DH tonight that I'm feeling like a failure in the mommy department because she's such a terrible sleeper, and that I'm terrified of having another baby anytime soon because I don't think I can physically go through this again. So it's nice to know that maybe it really is her and that it's not my fault and that our next baby won't necessarily be like that.
I'm not totally against co-sleeping, but we have 2 dogs that have always slept with us, but I would have to get them off the bed before I would feel comfortable letting LO sleep in our bed. And I feel too bad for them to do that. Maybe I'll look into an arm's reach sleeper thing... She outgrew her bassinet, otherwise I would try that again.
I'm in the middle of the Ferber book, but I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow to start tomorrow night. I won't be able to deal with the throwing up thing, so hopefully she won't cry that long. Anyway, thank you both.
We haven't done any sleep training yet, but I am convinced they just go through stages with their sleep. E was a great sleeper since birth, but we hit a pretty rough patch 4-6 weeks ago. We went through a period where he would wake up 2-3 times and just be awake, where it would take 45min to 1 hr of rocking and comforting for him to go back to sleep. We also went through a period where he was up what seemed like every hour (probably closer to 1.5-2hrs) and sometimes was hungry, sometimes not. I *think* (I say this with fingers crossed so I don't jinx myself...) we are starting to get back on track, 2 of three nights he has slept until 3, up for a quick feed and back down until 6ish. We will continue to just comfort and be with him if he does continue to have sleep issues - I will wait until at least 6 months to do any sort of sleep training. Just wanted to offer you an alternative to sleep training. Thankfully DH and I would switch off, so we could both get a little uninterrupted sleep.
We also made sure to have zero interaction with him when he was up at night, turned only a hall light on and sometimes I had to close my eyes because he would just smile up at me and be so darn cute. We have also brought him into our bed in the early mornings (after 5) if he is having a hard time going back to sleep. We're able to get another 45min - 1hr of sleep with him in our bed.
THIS!! We're 4 weeks past introducing Ferber. It took four nights, and our DS has slept through the night every night since then. He used to wake up at least twice and eat both times. Now, no feeding and no wake ups that require us to leave our bed. I can't recommend Ferber enough......but as mentioned, you should really read the book first. That will help you get through the tough parts, because you'll have the confidence to last the two-six nights it might take for the Ferber method to work.