August 2012 Moms

Failed my 1 hour glucose tears. Need encoragement

I cannot believe I failed this. I have never had glucose issues and have barely gained any weight (none of the typical GD symptoms). Anyone know the % of people who fail the 1 hour but pass the 3 hour? I have SERIOUS needle phobia and just cannot imagine having to poke myself daily all summer to check my glucose. I am having a panic attack.

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Re: Failed my 1 hour glucose tears. Need encoragement

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    Deep breath. I've had a few friends who failed the 1 hour but passed the 3 hour with flying colors. Good luck!
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    Just a lurker here but, I failed my 1 hour and passed the 3 hour. I remember this being asked alot when I was prego, and almost all ot those who failed their 1 hour passed the 3 hour test. I hope this helps.
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    Hugs! Its okay! I promise!  I freaked out when I failed my 1 hour test too but the more you research and read people's posts related to this subject, you really have nothing to worry about.  There is a very small chance that you have GD.  It's nothing you did wrong, the 1 hr test is more of a pre-screening test and doesn't really mean anything.  And I swear probably 90% of people who fail the 1 hr, pass the 3 hr.  You will get very sleepy during the 3 hour so bring a blanket, pillow, lap top, movie, ear buds, and it will go by quicker than you think.  Make sure you pack a sack full of food like cheese and crackers, peanuts, and a sandwich because you will need to eat ASAP after the test.  Oh yeah, and I passed my 3 hour!

    I suggest dividing up the pokes, it will make the test hurt less or not at all.  They usually ask you what arm you want it in.  I did the first 2 in my left arm and the last 2 in my right.

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    . I understand your fear of needles, I have it as well.

    More people fail the one hour than pass from what I hear but they pass the 3hr easily. They're apparently working on changing it to automatically be the 3hr. 

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    eaglei1eaglei1 member

    I had to do a GD test at 16 weeks, failed the 1 hour and passed the 3 hour with flying colors. Yesterday I did the 3 hour again at 28 weeks and passed again with flying colors.

    No need to worry. Even if you end up having GD, it just means you'll be monitored more and you'll adjust your diet a bit. My sister who is and was considerably skinnier than myself, had GD with all 3 of her kids and otherwise has no sugar issues. Admittedly I do tease her just because my overweight body handles blood sugar better :)

     You'll be fine!

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    Hugs to you! I've been there. I know it's hard news to hear! I sobbed when I found out I had GD with my first pregnancy and while it definitely wasn't fun to deal with, it ended up being a lot better than what I imagined when I first got the dx. Hearing that anything is "wrong" during your pregnancy is enough to cause a panic attack, but I'm sure the needle phobia really has you worried. FWIW, the finger sticks I had to do to test my blood sugar were not bad at all. You get used to it pretty quickly and your fingers will toughen up.

    So try to do your best to relax for now until you know for sure that you have GD. It will all be ok!

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    I have heard many go on to pass the 3 hour test, so chances are you will. If you don't, however, (I didn't pass and have GD), the whole GD thing is not near as bad as I initially feared. I had to take my 1 hour test at 20 weeks, due to advanced maternal age (35) and was diagnosed later that week when I failed both my tests. GD often has nothing to do with how your diet is, weight is, family history, etc. I didn't have any risk factors either other than advanced maternal age. Some people's bodies just don't develop enough insulin in pregnancy. I will give you a run through of my typical day, just on the off chance you get the diagnosis. I have to eat regular meals and snacks every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Breakfast is between 35-45 carbs, morning snack 15-25, lunch 55-65, afternoon snack 25-35, dinner 55-65 and evening snack (around 10 pm) around 25 carbs. This is actually more carbs than I consumed before the diagnosis. I have to check my blood sugar 4 times a day, once first thing in the morning (fasting) and then 2 hours after each meal. You can barely feel the prick of the needle. I have been on this diet for 8 weeks now and have yet to have a high number. I am not on insulin, and just control it through diet and exercise. I have to see my OB every week now, as opposed to every other, because the baby will require more NSTs than average and I will need an extra ultrasound to measure the baby's growth. I will not be allowed to go past my due date. Other than that, provided my sugars stay under control, my OB considers it a "normal" pregnancy as opposed to high risk. I was really stressed about my diagnosis, but it really hasn't been as bad as I thought. I am grateful that of all the possible complications, this is one that is easily controlled and my baby and I are healthy with the control.

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    I failed the first one with DS and passed the 3 hour. Relax. Breathe. And pregnancy is different than any other diabetes...weight and stuff doesn't always make you more susceptible  to having GD.

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    It's a very faulty test.  In fact some states are moving to the 2 hour or mandatory 3 hour GTT just because of the high incidence of false positives.  I failed mine and passed the GTT with flying colors and I've also known a bunch of people that failed the first one and passed the second.  I'm sure you'll be fine.  

    And the test really isn't that bad.  I started it at 6:30 in the am and I actually didn't get tired at all, I read a couple trashy magazines and a good book while I was waiting.  I also had them switch arms so it wasn't too painful.

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    I know lots of people who failed the 1 hr & passed the 3hr.
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    Hey can someone make a poll of how many failed their 1 hour?/ Seems like a lot of us! Im pissed I failed too! Ruined my day!
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    Trust me, it's no big deal.  A LOT of people fail the one hour.  My doctor told me she doesn't even understand why they do the one hour tests anymore because almost everyone fails it, and she thinks they should only do the 3 hour tests.  I failed the one hour and my blood sugar was 157 - passed the 3 hour with flying colors.



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    ks3pinkks3pink member
    Lots of people fail the one hour.  The three hour is a pain but NBD.  I did it with DD and am praying not to but preparing myself to be told to do it again this time.
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    somesosomeso member
    don't stress, i failed my one hour very badly (161) and passed the 3 hour easily. i think something like 80% pass the three hour. you will prob be fine!
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    I don't understand why you are all tortured and have to do the 2 tests, not to mention the stress!  In Alberta EVERYONE just does the 3 hour test. The 1 hour is unheard of.  It has got to save a ton of medical $$ as well.


    Anywho.  From what I gather reading on this board and the others, most people seem to pass the 3 hour test even though they failed the 1 hour test so I wish you the best!

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