
What to get Aunt and Uncle for 50th wedding celebration? Help!

Okay so DH's aunt and uncle are throwing themselves a pretty lavish party.  It's at nice hall and it's in the evening.  Some people were considering giving money but for some reason I just don't think I want to give money.  I feel they don't need it and it's not a wedding (although they are celebrating like it is which is totally fine and sweet).  I also don't want to give a gift cert for a rest as I have a feeling they will get a ton of those.  Any ideas?  Thank you so much!

Re: What to get Aunt and Uncle for 50th wedding celebration? Help!

  • How about a framed copy of the front page of their local newspaper from the day they got married? 
  • jlw2505jlw2505 member
    How about a nice basket basket with wines and cheeses and things like that or a fancy choc's rather than the cheese.  You could do a nice cheese board and knife.  If you want to be more creative than spend a lot of money, see if you can get pictures of them from the time they started dating or a bunch of family pictures since they have been together and do a photo album of them together or something along those lines.  I am with you on not doing money or gift cards for something like this.  I love doing fancy wine and cheese type baskets.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
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  • wonderful ideas!  thanks!!
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