Eco-Friendly Family

An update on board changes

Hi Everyone?

A lot of you have questions regarding the recent changes to The Nest boards and The Bump local boards. As you know, we recently converted The Nest boards and The Bump local boards to a new format as well as migrated the boards to a new platform that is hosted by a third-party vendor. I?d like to let you know what you can expect moving forward and why it?s important that we do continue converting all of our boards to this new format once we?ve implemented your feedback and fixed the current technical issues affecting all of the boards on the new platform.

The Knot, The Nest and The Bump communities have grown considerably during the past few years. The platform that The Nest boards and Bump local boards sat on was a legacy technology that could no longer sustain our growth in traffic. As our membership continues to grow, our technology needs to evolve so that it can support the size of our community. Our old platform would not have been able to support our large membership for much longer.

We also want to provide all of our members with new features that the old format unfortunately does not offer. Our moderators had limited capabilities on the old platform. Our goal is to give them more powers so that they can delete spam and ban users when necessary. We also want to give all of our members the ability to hide their posts at once for privacy reasons. These are benefits that the new platform and format provide.

I?ve received several complaints regarding the design and functionality of the new format. There have also been several technical issues, including missing threads and slow load times, which we thought had been resolved by our third-party vendor before we made the changes. For the past few months we?ve been working closely with our vendor to recover missing threads on The Knot and local boards. Before the conversion, our vendor ran several tests and told us that they had found a permanent solution and that members on all converted boards would no longer experience missing posts. Their solution didn?t hold up and now we?re working with them to quickly find another solution so that this issue is eliminated.

We?re listening to your feedback and will not move forward converting any additional boards until we know that these tech issues have been properly resolved and that we?ve addressed your concerns. Please let me know what issues you?re experiencing on The Nest boards and Bump local boards immediately so that we can find a solution as quickly as possible. You can e-mail me directly at These types of transitions are always tricky and active participation from our community will help us resolve issues quicker and will help us provide the best user experience. We will make sure that we share important updates with The Bump moderators and all of you as we make improvements and launch new features that you?ve requested.

-Knot Michelle

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