December 2012 Moms

Do you know what the one bad thing about morning sex is?

Leaking sperm all damn day long. That's all. 
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Re: Do you know what the one bad thing about morning sex is?

  • /dead.


    Or at night. I always think I'm peeing a little bit. I guess I totally could be, now that I think about frequent urination..

    M/MC at 9w4d 5/23/12.

    DS1- 8/2013

    DS2- 11/2015 (Second round IUI)

    DD- 9/2017

    Baby #4 Due 5/10/20 TEAM GREEN

  • m21megsm21megs member

    Agreed! The leaking sperm....and feeling like I smell like SEX! haha.


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  • just be glad youre gettin it. dh refuses morning sex since it would interfere with his morning poop schedule. yep ive got myself one romantic guy.... and apparently my phone hates capitalization. sorry.
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  • imageJacqui105:
    just be glad youre gettin it. dh refuses morning sex since it would interfere with his morning poop schedule. yep ive got myself one romantic guy.... and apparently my phone hates capitalization. sorry.

    i saw this and thought "wait - did I already post a reply to this thread?" Big Smile

    My H is the SAME way. We had to come back home from lunch (before we go shopping/errands) so he could poop. 

    Oh! AND he won't poop in public...

  • I always feel like a should make a squish-squish sound as I walk.  And the smell is apparently something my preggo bloodhound nose can't stand until after 3 pm...
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  • imagendolehan:

    just be glad youre gettin it. dh refuses morning sex since it would interfere with his morning poop schedule. yep ive got myself one romantic guy.... and apparently my phone hates capitalization. sorry.

    i saw this and thought "wait - did I already post a reply to this thread?" Big Smile

    My H is the SAME way. We had to come back home from lunch (before we go shopping/errands) so he could poop. 

    Oh! AND he won't poop in public...

    It must be a man thing.  DH is the same way!!

  • You need to talk me into being ok with having sex.  I know it's safe and fine to do, but I'm so paranoid and I don't know why!  We've only done it twice since our BFP, and those two times have just been in the past two weeks.  DH is kind of starting to get on me now about it, and I do really feel bad, but I'm mentally so uncomfortable with it.  It's sad!
  • imageClarissaExplainsItAll:
    Leaking sperm all damn day long. That's all. 


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  • imagendolehan:

    just be glad youre gettin it. dh refuses morning sex since it would interfere with his morning poop schedule. yep ive got myself one romantic guy.... and apparently my phone hates capitalization. sorry.

    i saw this and thought "wait - did I already post a reply to this thread?" Big Smile

    My H is the SAME way. We had to come back home from lunch (before we go shopping/errands) so he could poop. 

    Oh! AND he won't poop in public...

    I'm sad to say this is entirely true for my DH too! It's so annoying! It's not like you need to spend 25 minutes on the toilet - just do the deed and go. Who cares where you are! Sheesh.

    BabyFetus TickerBaby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Buahahaha! My queesy stomach could barely handle the thought! I'm just happy someone is feeling up to sex at all! My poor DH!
  • imagefleursfish:
    You need to talk me into being ok with having sex.  I know it's safe and fine to do, but I'm so paranoid and I don't know why!  We've only done it twice since our BFP, and those two times have just been in the past two weeks.  DH is kind of starting to get on me now about it, and I do really feel bad, but I'm mentally so uncomfortable with it.  It's sad!

    The birth center director of operations was giving me a tour. In discussing labor and timing, she mentioned that they have sent people home to go have sex. It is fine to have sex at ANY phase of pregnancy. That's also why they make it a point to tell women when they are on pelvic precautions for something particular. There are no universal pelvic precautions!

    A little word of advice- being pregnant is the last time you won't have someone else dictating your schedule for a very long time.

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • imagengarden01:

    just be glad youre gettin it. dh refuses morning sex since it would interfere with his morning poop schedule. yep ive got myself one romantic guy.... and apparently my phone hates capitalization. sorry.

    i saw this and thought "wait - did I already post a reply to this thread?" Big Smile

    My H is the SAME way. We had to come back home from lunch (before we go shopping/errands) so he could poop. 

    Oh! AND he won't poop in public...

    I'm sad to say this is entirely true for my DH too! It's so annoying! It's not like you need to spend 25 minutes on the toilet - just do the deed and go. Who cares where you are! Sheesh.


    too funny.guys are so weird about their poop. glad its not just my dh. 

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  • Oh that's funny. and true.    I am so nauseous sex is rough for me still LOL..


    I broke down because he was begging and i cried the whole time.. Whoops LOL


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  • imageJacqui105:

    just be glad youre gettin it. dh refuses morning sex since it would interfere with his morning poop schedule. yep ive got myself one romantic guy.... and apparently my phone hates capitalization. sorry.

    i saw this and thought "wait - did I already post a reply to this thread?" Big Smile

    My H is the SAME way. We had to come back home from lunch (before we go shopping/errands) so he could poop. 

    Oh! AND he won't poop in public...

    I'm sad to say this is entirely true for my DH too! It's so annoying! It's not like you need to spend 25 minutes on the toilet - just do the deed and go. Who cares where you are! Sheesh.


    too funny.guys are so weird about their poop. glad its not just my dh. 

    OH! AND! 

    He has to announce when he has to poop. Really. I don't NEED to know. 

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