We are on baby #5 and had a pretty easy time naming all of our others. For a girl we have it decided (we think)... but are having so much trouble with a boy name!
Names that have been thrown around (but don't really love anything yet):
Middle name will be Rhett or James.
Any suggestions would be wonderful! Thank you!
Re: Husband & I having difficulty w/ boy names!!
I like Jude the best, then Harris and Abram. River is NMS and becoming unisex, and Nixon just makes me think of the president.
And I know you didn't ask but I think your other kids have really great names!
I like Jude or Abram. Strongly dislike Nixon.
How many syllables is your last name? I like Jude a lot, but with a one-syllable middle name like Rhett or James it sounds a bit choppy. If you have a long last name I think it's fine, but a one-syllable last name would make it a no go for me.
Thank you so much!
And our last name is 3 syllable... begins with M and in an O.
River- LOVE with the mn James
Jude- okay, getting popular
Jericho- no
Nixon- hell no
Abram- like
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014
~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
Knowing this, I would go with Harris. I love Jericho, but both first and last name ending in 'o' is not my thing.
You are so right. I've been all over the place lately and did not even realize how similar Jericho would be to our last name. Thanks for the input!
We are on #5 as well and also having trouble with boy names. Of your list, I like Harris and Jude. We have an Aaron and a Hayden, and here's our short list for this baby:
ETA: Our last name is also 3-syllables and starts with M so we were sticking to short first names.
Jude and Abram are on my short list -- love both, obviously.
I like Harris. River is NMS, but okay. I dislike Jericho and Nixon very much.
I think Jude is the best pick when keeping your other kid's names in consideration.
Other ideas:
Zeke (Ezekiel)
I like Abram and Jude. Harris is nice, but I just can't get past the nickname Harry (no matter how popular it gets in the UK, it just hasn't grown on me). River is a name I love but might not be brave enough to use.
Jericho is a place name and thus, nms. Nixon... I would never use. The name is overshadowed by the former president and the Watergate scandal.
River - love this name and think it would be particularly nice with James as a mn!
Jude - love
Jericho -NMS
Nixon - NMS
Abram - okay but NMS
I think Abram James is the best combo for your sibset.
I also like Jude but don't like it with the MN options.
River would be a good complement to sister Story, but again I don't like it with the MN options.
Harris- I agree that Harrison sounds better
River- I have only known of River Phoenix with this name, so I associate it with him. But I like it.
Jude-This is my son's name, so I'm biased and love it the most. We almost went with the middle name James, but chose a longer MN.
Jericho-Do not like.
Nixon-Do not like, and only associate with the president.
Abram- Like it.
And I agree that your other kids have great names. I LOVE Oliver and wish DH would get on board with that name for our new little guy.