that my period is officially 1 week late.
I'm stuck in a 2 week PMS hell right now. All the PMS symptoms -- tired, clumsy, cranky, irrational, want to eat the world, etc -- no period.
I know it's likely due to the loss of Jeffrey (emotions, random 10lb weight loss, etc) but man, it's effing with my head. Literally and figuratively.
And I have my tubes tied so no pregnancy but I still want to take a test! LOL
Re: Where else would I share...
Thanks T&P! I don't necessarily *feel* stressed now. But I know I had 2 weeks last month that aged me about 10 years so I'm thinking those 2 weeks pushed off my cycle some.
I might take one just for old times sake Kitty! Why not right?! LOL
Good news is that we are vacationing 07/01-07/08 and I figured I would have it then. If it stays on this track, I won't have it then. WOOT!
waves wildly... Hey Jodi!!!
hugs to you. for your pms and well everything.
hope the kids are doing ok too.
Hey Jodi
I'm sure it's because of all the stress you've been under, I would take a test just to put your mind at ease, but then again I'm an addict when it comes to pregnancy test.
Good to hear you guys are going on vacation!.