
Where Can I Get Help?

Hi there all, I had some news on Friday which left me somewhat stunned! My son's teacher thinks he may be on the autistic spectrum mainly asperger. I've searched high and low to get a diagnosis and keep hitting brick walls. I can't afford to wait months as his well being at school is at risk and therefor the sooner I get this diagnosed the quicker we can get a solution in place! I live in Cumbria and there's absolutley nothing here! Hoping you can help x

Re: Where Can I Get Help?

  • fernanefernane member
    Do you have a local MHMR office? They can usually test for things like this at little cost.
  • Hi,

    First, I would strongly suggest posting those on the special needs board, and put as many details as possible in your post. They are really helpful over there.  Was this a surprise, or have you suspected something was going on for a while?  Do you agree with her?  Do you mean you've been searching high and low since Friday, or for months now?  Has the school done any testing through the special ed process yet?  If not, I would put in a written request ASAP that they do.  Has he seen any developmental specialists? What do you mean, his well-being at school?  Is he actually immediately at risk of harm, or do you mean his general continued success is at risk?

    Second, take a deep breath.  A diagnosis doesn't change his behavior (for better or worse).  How old is your son?   I know you certainly want to get services in place quickly, but you want them to be the right services. 
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  • jlw2505jlw2505 member
    I hate to say this but you will not be able to get an answer fast - the process just takes a really long time.  When I was dealing with issues with my older DD (she has a speech articulation Disorder and ADHD but we went in with an open mind and had a full range of testing done) it took about 4 months from our first call until we had the eval done and got our answers.  We started by calling our ped who referred us to our medical systems Childhood Behavioral and Developmental Clinic.  WE met with a team of specialists including a child psycholigist and a Behavioral Ped MD along with some speech therapists.  We called in April of last year, had an initial meeting in May to determine what assessments needed to be done.  The actual assessments did not take place until Mid August.  Over the summer, we had a huge stack of papers to fill out that covered a bunch of stuff including full family health history, her teachers had to complete forms as well and her ped.  It was a long process but in the end, very worth the wait.  The continued support is amazing.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • Hi  Onomatopoeia, thanks for the feedback. I've been in touch with a couple of fab organisations in this area. They totally agree with you. I've also been in touch with the school SENCO as apparently all schools have one - of which i was not advised- they have never been told about my son!

    I've taken action by ensuring he no longer boards - it's no longer an option, his safety is my priority, I'm getting a letter written up by his doctor to confirm that boarding is detrimental to his health and further more the senco dept at the school is going to contact me shortly to arrange assessment. If needs be I've located a local clinical psychologist that can do the initial assessment. Once I have this info I'm going to present this to the head and to the board of governers! Fingers crossed and many thanks for your reply xx 

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