September 2012 Moms

discharge- maybe TMI

I have noticed over the past few days that I have an increased amount of discharge- TMI part- it is white, and my undies were super damp today (I don't like the "m" word lol), it doesn't smell weird, and I haven't noticed any pain.

So my question is: 

What is normal discharge during pregnancy?

When do you call the doc?

I am probably just super paranoid...but I feel like there are no definite answers during pregnancy & it drives me NUTS!! I'll survive (I have a dr. appt. Thursday)

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Re: discharge- maybe TMI

  • Discharge definitely increases during pregnancy and how much is dependent on the person. If it isn't itchy or smelly, you are probably good. Just invest in some panty liners to contain it. 
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  • I've been wearing pantyliners for 6 weeks for 2 reasons...

    1st - CM - ugh!
    2nd - snissing - double ugh!

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