
Parents on cell phones during activities

Do you talk on your cell phone when your kids are in activities like soccer, basketball or swim lessons?

Rowen Alexander born 10 weeks early 1/28/07

Re: Parents on cell phones during activities

  • Sometimes, yes, but it's generally too loud around the pool for that.  I will check e-mail if I get a chance.  Sometimes I go outside for a run, or I get in a different pool with my youngest.  Rarely do I get to sit and watch the swim lessons.  When my oldest was in soccer and t-ball last year, I mostly wrangled the younger two and tried to keep them off the field.  

    I don't see anything wrong with using that time for a phone conversation, as long as it's not interrupting the activity or another parent's ability to watch. 

  • Yes, during dance class. It's too loud during swimming, but I check email/texts.
    ** Formerly bellabeck **

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  • Yes. Mostly just emails and text though. During gymnastics but not swim because I am in the pool. 
    Abigail Marie 6/30/06 Benjamin Charles 5/30/09 image
  • Definitely during dance - we're not even allowed in the dance room so we are all sitting around in a waiting room.

    Soccer and swim, no.  I feel guilty not watching my kids. 

    I have been grading papers while I watch.  That's the deal I had to make with myself and them because the time slot we got made it impossible for me to do my schoolwork after school, then pick up the kids from child care like I was doing.

  • I stay off my phone at the park and other activities that are supervised and interactive with me as a parent, but I don't sweat being distracted when DD is involved in an acitivity with a coach or leader. I was a very active kid, and my mom would love to read the newspaper front to cover - no big deal to me. Sometimes she ducked next door to a nail appointment. As long as you're not being annoying to other spectators, I don't see the big deal with cell calls. A game is more fun with cheering, but practice is pretty distractable.
    My darling daughter just turned 4 years old.
  • No.

    I have always befriended another parent and chat during those times.  I think it's obnoxious when people have phones glued to their heads, or are texting, etc.  I just don't see the need to ALWAYS be available for the phone.

  • I am usually sitting by the kids' biomom at soccer, so we chat during that time. Sometimes I text me sister. I find that I miss quite a bit of the game, but I am not exactly a soccer fan. I am really just there to "be there" for the kids and high five them at the end. 
  • I don't usually talk on it, but I'll text, FB, enter info into my calendar, etc.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
    Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
  • jlw2505jlw2505 member
    I don't typically talk as its loud but if I get a call, depending on who it is, I will take it and have a short conversation but I don't make calls unless its an emergency.  I do check email though as sometimes that is the only time I can get to it.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • I don't usually talk but I will check my FB, text, etc via smart phone.  If I have a friend, I will talk to her...


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    I have always befriended another parent and chat during those times.  I think it's obnoxious when people have phones glued to their heads, or are texting, etc.  I just don't see the need to ALWAYS be available for the phone.

    Oh wow. I am so at the opposite side of this right now. There are a few moms that will talk non-stop about stupid crap throughout the entire gymnastics class. So annoying! I'm to the point that I'm just going to bring my earphones to the next class so I don't have to listen to it.

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