We had our a/s yesterday! It was so perfect...went first thing in the morning, and everything looks good. She was head down, sucking her thumb then crossing her arms over her face! She was kicking away, even though I couldn't feel it. I have an anterior placenta, which I've been hoping for just to explain why I have not felt movement yet.
We took the envelope out to lunch to open, as yesterday was our first wedding anniversary. DH opened it and told me It was such a perfect day. We are both so excited - DH says he is a goner with two women in the house
Re: Add another girl to the list!
Aw, congrats on your little girl!
I, too, found out today that I have an anterior placenta! It was a sigh of relief for why I haven't felt movement yet!
Also, super cute the way you guys opened the envelope at lunch. Happy (one date late) Anniversary, too, BTW!
partial molar pregnancy : bfp 6.28.10, d/c 8.17.10, 7 rounds methotrexate, cleared 7.1.11
alexander patrick : bfp 1.16.12, born 9.20.12 @ 39w1d, 7 lbs./11 oz./22 in.
scarlett irene elizabeth : bfp 5.24.13, born 2.3.14 @ 41w2d, 7 lbs./13 oz./19 in.
DD2 October 2010
DS September 2012
Congrats on girl and happy anniversary!!!
We found out we were having girl on Fiance's birthday, that's what he wanted for his bday!