We are heading back to Disney in the fall and staying off-site at my parents timeshare resort. We stayed there last spring and did Disney and had a great experience w.o it being Disney bootcamp for our little ones
We did not do a park hopper option last time since we were traveling to the park each day and it didn't seem practical to be driving to/from more than 1 park per day for us. This time I don't want the hopper either but was wondering if I can simply buy tix for an extra day to be able to do 2 parks in 1 day just once?
For ex.) If I only need 6 days worth of tix can I buy a 7 day tix for everyone and on one of the days do Animal Kingdom during the day and then go to MK at night for the electric parade/fireworks by just using another another day's admission?
It seems silly but to add a hopper to everyone's ticket to do this would be considerably more money than just changing from 6 day tix to 7 day tix (only about $8 difference per ticket) since we only plan to do more than 1 park in a day on that one day/night.
Also wanted to make sure you are allowed re-admission back into your same park on the same day right?
Thanks in advance Disney experts!!
Re: Disney ticketing Q
We always go early, then come back to the condo for naps in the afternoon and then go back for evening fun stuff. So, re-entry into the same park is no problem.
I love Animal Kingdom and since the park closed around 5-6, that becomes a great night by the pool. We get pizza and relax, or order from the poolside restaurant if the condo has one. It's a great night to relax and re-charge. Once we got lucky, and our 'condo pool night' coincided with a band by the pool, and activities for the kids. If you are doing 6 days of Disney, you might like one night where you're not walking around a park.
Thanks girls! We're there 8 days and I'm actually planning 1/2 days and Disney free days to just relax and stay by the pool. The Mickey Halloween party is one evening at Mk and we missed the electric parade/fireworks at Mk last trip which is on a diff night than the Halloween party/parade/fireworks so I was trying to finagle a night return only back to MK on a day we do a diff park early.
Mk is our favorite park so I'm totally fine doing 2 days there anyway esp with only doing 1/2 days there each time. I'm all about low stress and limited park exposure on these trips with 2 preschoolers and an infant!