Anyones DC ever have this happen before? If so what did they do to remove it? I took DS (5y/o) to pedi today b/c he's had a cough but while we were there he said his right ear is filled with wax, he tried flushing it with water but couldn't get anything out. He was going to try and stick this thing in his eat and try and scrap some out but DS flipped out and wouldn'tlet him do it. The pedi suggested trying to put some peroixde in it at home and seeing if that would loosen it enough for it to drain out. We did that tonight but only a tiny amount came out. He said if that didn't work we may need to see he ENT. He was concerned his tube (placed 3-4 yrs ago) may of came out and got stuck in his ear canal causing the wax to build-up and not drain properly. We are flying out Sunday for Disney (suprising DS) and I am not sure if his ear being clogged will be uncomfortable while flying? I am guessing I should just go ahead and call ENT tomorrow.
Re: Ear completely clogged with earwax?
There was one time when DD was small that we literally pulled a 3/4" section of ear wax plug out of her ear after a week straight of using Debrox... It took that long to loosen it up!
Given that you've got the dynamic of tubes in the ears, I would go right to the ENT - you don't want to be putting the added suction on the ears that the Debrox would do without the guidance of an ENT...
If you have dealt with tubes and you don't know if the tube is out yet, I'd go to the ENT. Both my girls have dealt with ear wax. With DD1, her pedi took the scraper thing and pulled out a disgusting gob of wax with the tube stuck in it (and the pedi has done that once since tubes--pulling out a gob of wax--with no issues).
With DD2, it took going to the ENT for him to get the wax out enough to assess the tube. Sure enough, getting past the wax, the tube was not quite in, but not out...and her ear was infected. We had to treat with a combo of drops and oral antibiotics.
You still have plenty of time to treat anything--I'd definitely try to get in to the ENT.
Also, if hard wax is the issue, a natural preventive remedy is actually a couple drops of mineral oil in the ear once a week. It keeps the wax soft and draining more normally. If the wax is already soft but still building up, the mineral oil won't help.