Eco-Friendly Family

Woman's Day Help Book

So I have this book (it was left behind by the previous tenant in a house I moved in to when I was 12 and I kept it in my 'hope chest' lol) and I am 1000 percent sure its out of print now since I can't find it on Amazon (Barnes & has it though) and I have been reading it for the past few days to get tips for spring cleaning.

I wanted to tell ya'll about it because even though it has (quite a few) non-eco friendly ways to get things clean, it also has a lot of really great eco (and wallet) friendly ways as well. For instance, telling you a bunch of things you can do with lemons, vinegar, baking soda, etc that I never thought of before. Plus it tells you how to clean literally everything there is. There's a chapter on how to clean your whole house in like, and hour, and a guide on getting ready for holidays up from like, the day after Thanksgiving until the second guests arrive at the door. Its pretty useful.


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