Hi, I'm helping a friend find childcare, he's a single parent and his current arrangement fell through abruptly, leaving him stranded a bit. we posted an ad on care.com, but each person I contact, never responds! Is there another website to try? Also, what is the going rate for a sitter all day? I think an ideal situation would be a sahm who takes on the 5 yr old all day, then the 8 yr old just after school. Thanks for any recommendations on websites...or if any of you happen to be in MD...:-)
Re: help finding an all day sitter, websites, tips?
I recommend using the Maryland LOCATE childcare service. It's very helpful. https://www.mdchildcare.org/mdcfc/childcare/choose.html
You can call them and answer a few questions about what you are looking for (age of kids, home daycare vs center, price point, ideal location) and then they will send you a list of options. It's a great way to find the home daycares that you wouldn't find otherwise. And all of their options are licensed daycares.
Good luck.