This morning I started having a pain in my ribs and at the very top of my stomach. I thought maybe it was a stomach ache. It radiates all the way around to the middle of my back. It comes and goes like every 10 minutes. Has anyone else experienced this before?
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Re: Back pain?
Could be a few things.
1. Gallbladder attack. I get a severe pain under my right ribs and it radiates to my shoulder and back. The chances of this are increased during pregnancy.
2. It could be heartburn/reflux.
3. It could be a baby's foot or something! I had one of their feet in my left rib forever. It was so uncomfortable and actually started becoming numb at some point. I remember the sharp pain that caused.
4. I could be an ulcer. I have ulcers a lot and that's exactly where I feel the pain. It is always a burning pain, right below my sternum.