DS recently had a sigmoidoscopy (basically a lower GI/colon scan) and the Pediatric GI found a ton of poop. DS has always had poop issues - and we have tried everything. Miralax, diluted prune juice, suppositories, etc. and nothing really works. The doctor wants us to do a 3-day cleanse for DS...but suggested Miralax (prescription) to do so. Has anyone tried this? I was hoping for a new medicine to try - or even something a bit more natural. I'll do anything to help DS though.
I posted this on the Toddler board as well for some additional feedback.
Thank you!
Re: Have you heard of and/or tried a 'cleanse' for DC?
Good advice.
The big push here is that half their plate (and ours too) should be fruits and veggies.
My two kids have this. DD is 5 and still has to be careful with how much milk she drinks. DS was on whole milk for 5 days. He hasn't gone #2 in 4 days and is miserable. We've done miralax and prunes with no luck.
DD was an alimentum when she was on formula. DS uses Similac sensitive tummies (one step below alimentum).
This is my DD. She now drinks Almond milk but can still have cheese, yogurt etc.
As unpleasant as it is (and I'll never do it again), DS had to do a course of enema's when he was 3. He has chronic constipation, which leads to encopresis - he withholds and then it leaks. Yay. He's 6 and it's still not 100% better.
There is also Magnesium Sulfate (I'm not sure how old your child is, so I don't know if he could take it). It's the oral stuff that grown-ups take before colonoscopies. It tastes nasty, but is certainly better than an enema. We've done a few courses of that as well.
I find that when things get really bad, doubling up on Miralax at this point does the trick.
Good luck. Dealing with constipation is horrid.