So my almost 6 year old has a new fear - birds. This came out of no where this morning - as we were walking into school, blood curling scream and crying from her. Once I got her calmed down she told she had a dream (nightmare) that the birds were eating her skin. No clue where this came from. So hoping it is not from her ADHD meds (side effect) - she has been on them since Sept with no side effects. I really just hope some of the kids at school were talking and it freaked her out. I warned her teachers to watch her when they are outside today.
Jenni Mom to
DD#1 - 6-16-06
DD#2 - 3-13-08
Re: Fear of Birds
Charlotte Ella 07.16.10
Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
I was thinking this. Maybe one of her classmates saw it and talked about it at school. I've noticed most of dd's fears come from things her friends say to her.