both my dad & DH's dad have the middle name Allen, so we always thought that we would use that as a middle name for a boy...but I'm starting to really like it for a first name. the only thing that holds me back is that i HATE the nn "Al" - do you think that if we ever used Allen as a first name it would be inevitable he would be called Al?
also...what do you think of Allen as a first name? like? dislike? prefer as middle name?
Re: Allen?
My FIL is Allen.
I have never heard anyone call him Al.
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Both my father and DH's father have the mn Allen (Alan). We're planning on Allan for a boy mn for any future offspring.
I never think it's inevitable that someone will get a NN. Call him what you want him to be called, and other people can follow suit (or not). Don't let it bug you too much.
And obviously, I like the name Allen.
Love it!
I have never heard it shortened.
It strikes me as more of a last name, but it's doable as a first name. Although I do think it's inevitable that someone will call him Al. My BIL has the same problem -- it's just easier to call him Al instead of Allan (which he would prefer, but everyone always forgets).
MPZ born June 2011
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I know several Allens, and no one calls them Al.
My DH's name is Allen. I can think of one friend that will call him Al sometimes, but that's it. I have never once in my life called him "Al."
I really like it as DH's first name. (He's Allen the III so there's no way in hell I would consider that name for my child though!)
TTC since 11/05...ectopic pg 4/08...early m/c 6/09...BFP 10/5/09!
Nora B...June 15, 2010...8lbs, 8oz...Med-free birth!
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As others have said, I don't think the NN Al would be a problem at all. I never even thought of it as a nickname for Allen.
Allen was my maiden name, and I always liked it. The only problem is that there is more than one way to spell it (Allen, Alan, Allan, etc.), so your son may be correcting people on the spelling a lot. But that's not really a big deal since you're not choosing a youneek spelling.