Hi all, I have a 6 year old daughter, and a 2 month old daughter. We were visiting my niece who is also 6 and she asked to hold the baby. I let her, and when I looked away for one second, my niece PINCHED my baby's ear on purpose, leaving a welt on her earlobe. Her mother was mortified and forced her to apologize but it still is bothering me.
I am at a loss as to why she would do this! My husband and I discussed not allowing our niece to hold baby for a while, but I am not sure how to feel about her being around her at all. Any thoughts? How would you feel?
Re: 6 year old niece intentionally hurt my baby.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
That should be "one" incident.
To add, what's her overall exposure to babies? I ask in that if she hasn't had much, she may have seen your baby as more of a doll and was testing that.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
i agree here, if she is not used to babies she may have just been testing her boundaries. i would keep and eye on her and see what happens... it sounds like her mom was concerned as well and did not brush it off which is a good thing. i will be bringing my baby to my nanny job and am already expecting the 4 year old to get in a few pokes! i will keep an eye on her and immediately address any bad behavior... but it would also be good in your case to praise your neice when she treats the baby nicely
I agree with this.
It would have been nice if you had added this in your original post. Just don't let her near the baby. Have your 6 year old play with her in another room when they are over and when they are in the same room with the baby you just make sure you are right near the baby or are holding it. There is no reason why she has to hold the baby or even play with it. Your baby isn't a doll so just redirect her away from the baby.
My DS used to be rough w/ dogs. But then we taught him "gentle pats" and now he's VERY good w/ dogs.
Again- while she see's YOUR baby once a week, before that, what was her exposure? If she's never really been around babies, AND her parents haven't worked w/ her to teach her some basic rules/manners - when it comes to YOUR baby, YOU have evrey right to be more direct and explain how she needs to treat your baby.
it's just like kids in my house- kids start to do something I don't want them to do? I have NO issue speaking up and saying "These are the rules of our house". You can establish "These are the rules on how you treat babies".
But again- I would do all I could to pretty much keep her away from your child. And I wouldn't hide my reasons. If her parents ask you why you don't let their DD hold /play w/ the baby - I'd be honest. "She's a bit rough and we're not comfortable w/ her holding the baby".
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
We had next door neighbor who had a daughter the same age as my younger brother. My mom would talk about how she was a bad kid, even when she was a toddler. I thought it was a strange way to speak of a small child. But when she about 5 years old she poked another baby in the eye and blinded him.
I'm not suggesting your niece is devil-child and I wouldn't cut them off, but if you have a bad feeling about your interactions with her, just never ever leave her alone with your children.