Please give me bday gift ideas for dd who is about to be 5 and ds who will be 1. Ds has all of dds outgrown toys so we don't need much there at this age. DD has a lot of toys she doesnt even play with so i dont really want many more. If you rec books and puzzles please specify which ones your lo has enjoyed. Tia.
Re: Haven't been on this board in a while. Need bday gift ideas please
DD is always talking about the orbiez? Tiny beads that grow in water. The only toy that DD have ever really loved was her baby doll from target, the circo brand that came with the stroller.
My kids only get the scholastic books because my mom is a teacher. Does your school do them? You might be able to order them online.
5 y/o - books (DD really likes the Bad Kitty and Henry and Mudge series right now) - board games (DD likes Trouble and Go Fish the most right now) - craft kits
1 y/o - maybe some outdoor toys?
For either kid you could get them an experience instead of a gift. Like a special class or a gc to someplace like build a bear or a pass for the pool.
5 yo old girl - I second the Bad Kitty books. DS's little girlfriends love those. Games like hungry hungry hippo, Operation, and Sorry are also a favorite.
1 yo boy - I like to give bath toys. Everyone always needs new since they get gross after a while. A fountain or spout-style one is really fun.
My dd just turned 5 as well. Her favorite gifts have been Lego friends treehouse, and Melissa and Doug magnetic dress up doll- she has the ballerina one. She has spent hours and hours playing with both over the past couple weeks.
Her two favorite games are sequence for kids and guess who.