DS woke up from his nap this afternoon screaming. When I went in to get him he was spitting up clear mucous. It was pretty thick and stretchy. He's been drooling like mad for over 2 months now and I hadn't seen anything like this. He choked on it a few times which upset him even more. He was really upset for a little over an hour. He missed a whole feeding today because he refused the bottle inbetween screams.
I didn't want to call the pedi because I was dealing with DS so DH called. They want to see him in the morning but he seems more than fine now. He never had a temp or any other symptoms. He's never spit up anything (not even breastmilk or formula). He hasn't been sick. No stuffy nose or anything. I'm really lost on what this was and where it went.
Anyone hear/deal with anything like this? I guess I'll still drag him in tomorrow even though I feel like a crazy over protective mother that is fussing over nothing.
Re: Egg White like Spit up?
Thanks. He really is back to being a happy baby. But for piece of mind I plan on taking him in in the morning. Better safe than sorry! And I'd much rather go to the office than have to take him somewhere after hours.