December 2011 Moms

Egg White like Spit up?

DS woke up from his nap this afternoon screaming. When I went in to get him he was spitting up clear mucous. It was pretty thick and stretchy. He's been drooling like mad for over 2 months now and I hadn't seen anything like this. He choked on it a few times which upset him even more. He was really upset for a little over an hour. He missed a whole feeding today because he refused the bottle inbetween screams.

I didn't want to call the pedi because I was dealing with DS so DH called. They want to see him in the morning but he seems more than fine now. He never had a temp or any other symptoms. He's never spit up anything (not even breastmilk or formula). He hasn't been sick. No stuffy nose or anything. I'm really lost on what this was and where it went.

Anyone hear/deal with anything like this? I guess I'll still drag him in tomorrow even though I feel like a crazy over protective mother that is fussing over nothing.

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Re: Egg White like Spit up?

  • DS has started doing this at night, but I'm pretty convinced it's because he's outgrown his reflux med dosing. We have mystery mucous, egg white consistency that we can't figure out what's causing it. 
    Baby Charchie born 12/22/2011
  • That sounds scary to have him wake up like that :( I know how you feel about being the over protective mother. Last thursday night I noticed a little redness on ds eye. By friday at noon it was bigger, basically looked like a blood vessel broke or he poked his eye. With it being the weekend I took him in just in case. Turns outhe had a severe eye infection caused by adeno virus. The dr said I wouldve been in the er by saturday nigjt had he not been seen then. It was good I took him in. Sorry for jacking, but I would take him and just be sure. Hope there is nothing serious though.
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  • imagealove4chevys:
    That sounds scary to have him wake up like that :( I know how you feel about being the over protective mother. Last thursday night I noticed a little redness on ds eye. By friday at noon it was bigger, basically looked like a blood vessel broke or he poked his eye. With it being the weekend I took him in just in case. Turns outhe had a severe eye infection caused by adeno virus. The dr said I wouldve been in the er by saturday nigjt had he not been seen then. It was good I took him in. Sorry for jacking, but I would take him and just be sure. Hope there is nothing serious though.

    Thanks. He really is back to being a happy baby. But for piece of mind I plan on taking him in in the morning. Better safe than sorry! And I'd much rather go to the office than have to take him somewhere after hours.

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  • Possibly from teething and swallowing so much saliva. Always better safe than sorry!!  GL

    Lilypie - (ovfd)

  • Yes we've been having this happen too. It's so scary when she starts choking and can't breathe for a few seconds. I'm thinking possibly allergies? I was sick last week and she seemed to be getting sick too but it seems like it comes and goes, one day she will be stuffy and seem under the weather the next day she seems fine.
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  • Did the doctor ever say what it was?  DD has been drooling a lot and tonight she vomited and spit up and it was super thick like egg whites too. This was actually on the way back from the pediatrician; I had forgot to mention the thickness of her saliva to him and he had decided to try putting her on soy formula b/c of her reflux.  I'm worried though b/c when she vomited on the way back, she was choking and couldn't breathe for several seconds, and I'm afraid it's going to eventually get so thick that she won't be able to cough it all out and she won't be able to start breathing again.
  • This happened to us about three weeks ago while on vacation.  E hadn't been sick, but in the middle of the night he woke up coughing and crying, his pnp was in the same room, so we were able to get to him right away.  We got there just in time to see white mucous come out his nose and mouth.  It really scared us, and we took turns watching him while he slept and it didn't happen again.  We we had my sister (a pedi) look at him the next morning and said that it could be from swallowing so much saliva from teething.  A few days later we saw tooth #3 and he got his first cold, so we are pretty confident that is what it was from.
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