
If you're bored, I could use garage sale pricing help

I'm having a garage sale next week. What would you pay for the following items at a garage sale? Most of the items are about 6 years old, and in gently used condition. (Nothing is excessively beat up, lol)

1. Baby Einstein exercsaucer

2. Eddie Bauer baby swing

3. Diaper Genie

4. Port-a-crib w/ attaching changing table, mobile & night-light/sound machine

5. crib mattress 

Also, what would you pay for maternity clothes and baby clothes?  


Re: If you're bored, I could use garage sale pricing help

  • imageSunflower7777:

    I'm having a garage sale next week. What would you pay for the following items at a garage sale? Most of the items are about 6 years old, and in gently used condition. (Nothing is excessively beat up, lol)

    1. Baby Einstein exercsaucer - 15

    2. Eddie Bauer baby swing - 10 (I prefer the FP models)

    3. Diaper Genie - 0 wouldn't buy used

    4. Port-a-crib w/ attaching changing table, mobile & night-light/sound machine - 30?

    5. crib mattress - 0 wouldn't buy used

    JMO! I didn't buy any "equipment" from garage sales so I don't really know what most people charge/would pay. I just guessed what I would pay.

    Also, what would you pay for maternity clothes and baby clothes?  

    I'm selling my maternity clothes in two weeks at a mommy and me rummage sale and I am pricing most of them at $5 each (95% of them are Gap and in excellent condition). Other pieces (Gap jeans, Gap dress pants, Gap wool coat) will be slightly higher - maybe $7 to $10? Kids/baby clothes depend on the brand. I had a lot of cheaper Carters stuff in small sizes - $1 for those. Better brands (gymboree, gap, hanna andersson, boden) I would charge $3-7 per piece depending on the item / more for outfits. Good luck! Pricing sucks! I want stuff GONE but I also want to make as much as I can Big Smile


    Molly - DS - 12.16.06 DD - 3.20.09 DD - 3.11.11
  • I agree with PP pricing. I'm considering selling some of the same things. I might go a little lower because I want to sell as much as possible. Any baby clothes that are stained or horribly outdated I will probably throw out (or donate to goodwill). Everything else I will organize in bins- 50 cents, etc. If I have any expensive outfits I *might* price those seperately. Nothing over $2.
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  • The question is do you want to get rid of them?  I would be super flexible, start there at the PP's pricing and if someone offers you $$, then take it!  Also, check the items that had batteries, hopefully you took them out before you stored it, but it's possible that if not they could have corroded in which case, free or trash!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • If you want the mattress gone I would price it for $10 or less, pricing a used mattress more than that can turn off buyers even if they are not looking at the mattress b/c they might think you are asking way to much for stuff IMO.

    I would price the first 2 items at $10 each, maybe $12 and barter to $10, people want deals and the Eddie Bauer stuff does not have a great reputation.

    $3-5 for the Diaper Genie.  While it might sound gross I think this is a perfect thing to buy used, use a hose with some soap in the driveway and it is clean.  I did not buy one used, and did not own this brand at all but I think someone that has a baby but no diaper pail would buy it.

    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • Thanks for the feedback ladies. I want this stuff gone and the sale over in 2 days, so I'm going to price it cheap. Everything must go! It's time to reclaim my basement! 
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