I'm having a garage sale next week. What would you pay for the following items at a garage sale? Most of the items are about 6 years old, and in gently used condition. (Nothing is excessively beat up, lol)
1. Baby Einstein exercsaucer
2. Eddie Bauer baby swing
3. Diaper Genie
4. Port-a-crib w/ attaching changing table, mobile & night-light/sound machine
5. crib mattress
Also, what would you pay for maternity clothes and baby clothes?
Re: If you're bored, I could use garage sale pricing help
If you want the mattress gone I would price it for $10 or less, pricing a used mattress more than that can turn off buyers even if they are not looking at the mattress b/c they might think you are asking way to much for stuff IMO.
I would price the first 2 items at $10 each, maybe $12 and barter to $10, people want deals and the Eddie Bauer stuff does not have a great reputation.
$3-5 for the Diaper Genie. While it might sound gross I think this is a perfect thing to buy used, use a hose with some soap in the driveway and it is clean. I did not buy one used, and did not own this brand at all but I think someone that has a baby but no diaper pail would buy it.