
"Choosing Cesarean: A Natural Birth Plan"

Has anyone read this book? Thoughts? 

Based on previous discussions with my OB, I will probably have a c/s. Of course, we will talk about this more as the time get closer but I like the idea of an informative book that talks about sections, without feeling belittled.  

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Married 6/25/10**TTC #1 July 2011**BFP 11/1/11**EDD 7/11/12**U/S shows TWINS!!! 11/30/11
Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
Fraternal girls born at 35+4. Slow down baby girls!!

Re: "Choosing Cesarean: A Natural Birth Plan"

  • I haven't, but I had to have a c-section because of a breech baby A, and I tried to make it as "natural" as possible. Unfortunately, my planned c-section became unplanned when my water broke in the middle of the night a week before.  So shooting for a time with lots of staff didn't work, and I got almost nothing I asked for :(
  • MyeMye member
    I had an unplanned, but not emergency, c-section and I loved every second of it, my recovery was so good and quick, I feel no shame, nothing, if I had to do it again I would ask for a c-section all over again 
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  • i had a c-section, not my plan, but i knew it was coming, so i did get prepared, and that made a world of difference, talk to people who had positive c/s experience, try to talk with an anesthesiologist, visualize, if your partner has a smart phone put a play list on it for the delivery.... i would be happy to share my experience privatly with you (it was 5 days ago) 


    my husband was talking about how it was such a beautiful birth experience and he felt like a very empowered supporter...

    best wishes 

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  • 13pickle- I would love to hear about your experience! A c/s was not at all what I wanted when I got pregnant, but that's what it's looking like I'm going to have. I'd really appreciate hearing about how your delivery went :)
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  • We are planning a vaginal birth but I know there is an increased likelihood of c-section with twins, so I have thought about it, read about it, and included special requests in my birth plan just having to do with c-section. 
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  • I will be working on my birth story today for all those who want to hear about a positive c-section.
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