Has anyone read this book? Thoughts?
Based on previous discussions with my OB, I will probably have a c/s. Of course, we will talk about this more as the time get closer but I like the idea of an informative book that talks about sections, without feeling belittled.
Re: "Choosing Cesarean: A Natural Birth Plan"
*~ My Blog ~*
i had a c-section, not my plan, but i knew it was coming, so i did get prepared, and that made a world of difference, talk to people who had positive c/s experience, try to talk with an anesthesiologist, visualize, if your partner has a smart phone put a play list on it for the delivery.... i would be happy to share my experience privatly with you (it was 5 days ago)
my husband was talking about how it was such a beautiful birth experience and he felt like a very empowered supporter...
best wishes