Do you miss being pregnant?
I kind of miss being pregnant probably because I really wanted to have a girl. We were team green with DS2 and I'm glad we had a boy... but I thought we were going to have a girl. We decided to have two kids but that's when I thought we would be having one of each haha.
Re: If you're not pregnant...
Not really. I am in a place now where I am ready to be sans sippy cups, diapers, naps, etc.
I did want another girl (to have sisters) but I know we are at our max capacity. Sometimes, I miss squishy newborns...but not as much as I am a ready to be done with the baby stuff.
haha... aww. Good luck!
Hell no. There is almost nothing I liked about being pregnant. It was a means to an end.
By the 3rd tri, I was even over feeling the baby. I had two very active, BIG babies and couldn't breathe half the time.
DS - December 2006
DD - December 2008
I cannot say that I am upset about not having a boy. I like having 3 girls. A boy would just stick out at this point.
I didn't for a very long time, but now I am starting to. Especially after today walking aruond the zoo and seeing dozens of pregnant ladies walking around.
I am not ready to be pregnant again yet, but will be by the time we start TTCing for #2 this summer
A kiss he will never forget- Disney World 2014
Kiwi Fruit, 10.2.06 & Ellie Bug, 4.5.09
My blog: Bear With Us
Ideas on Teaching Your Toddler/Preschooler at Home
Nora Judith 7/2/06 Miles Chauncey 4/20/09 born with Trisomy 21 - Down syndrome
Your response made me laugh.
lol I'm glad! Its true though. That pregnancy glow? I think its bulls$%T lol! I was miserable!
That is so sweet. For some women it's wonderful and others it's a nightmare! lol
My "glow" was because it was summer and I was super hot and sweating the whole time. lol
I miss my first pregnancy. That was such an exciting time in my life.
I dont miss being pregnant though and feeling awful. I'm excited to have another LO and live through all those phases again, but not looking forward to the physical demands of pregnancy with another child (2 this time around).
This is me. I was miserable pregnant. I had hyperemesis, hospitalization, preterm labor, preterm rupture, permanent hospital bedrest and then an infant in the NICU. I have zero interest in ever doing it again. Also, I've decided I'm a fan of the 4 and up crowd and you couldn't pay me to have a newborn again.
Yes, I really enjoyed being pregnant. I look forward to when we start trying again
I felt beautiful most days.
We are starting to think about #3 and it's freaking me out. I really wanted a third until DH finally agreed and now I'm starting to get cold feet.
I had amazing pregnancies with both of my kids and now I feel like I'm pushing my luck trying for a 3rd.
There are parts of being pregnant I miss and some I wish I never had to experience in the first place, much less again. I had some bleeding and cramping when I was about 3 months. They never did find out what caused it and DS was born fine. I also had pre-eclampsia and was so swollen. It hurt to walk or really do just about anything. I was also my belly was so huge I had issues getting out of bed, cars, chairs, etc...
I do miss being able to feel the baby moving. I also looked forward to OBGYN appointments when I could hear the baby's heartbeat or see it on the screen. I can't wait to experience those parts again.