Wise ladies of the board... how do you tell your inserts apart from one another? I have big, grand plans to start prepping this weekend and I'm wondering if in keeping tradition with my type-A, over-organized self, I should maybe sew color-coded stitches on the inserts somewhere.. I have bamboo, microfiber, a few fleece, various whatevers that came with some of my CDs.. but for the most part they're all the same size, shape, and color.. do you just tell them apart by feel? Not sure I trust myself there either... Cloth diaper spice rack maybe? Eh...??
Re: my dumb question of the month - inserts
Mine, the differences on sight are subtle, but very distinct - I never have an issue telling them apart. Some of the hemp are yellow, some are white but much thinner than MF, and my bamboo is off white and fuzzy-ish.
I know the look, but the feel is definitely distinct for me.
This is one reason I got rid of all my FB and Kawaii, I needed the inserts to be obviously different! I don't have any trouble distinguishing my bamboo inserts, they all feel very slinky compared to my MF ones. And I like Rumparooz because the inserts are markedly different than my BG or Kawaii bamboo.
But ultimately it really doesn't matter at all, I'm just insane.
Not a bad idea...