
No Kids allowed Restaurants

I heard that there is a movement to not allow children at certain do you guys feel about this... I mean  I guess I wouldnt even want to take my kids to a place thats 5 star restaurant but Im nervous this will trickle down

Re: No Kids allowed Restaurants

  • Some restaurants don't need kids and I like that there is somewhere to go kidless (in the event DH and I ever get a chance to go : ).  Kids are not meant to go everywhere.

    I do enjoy restaurants as a family also and we enjoy the ones that the kids enjoy the most (sometimes that's McDonalds and sometimes that is Texas Roadhouse :) I don't live in a fancy smancy town...for now, at this point in our lives, we will go to those that most appeal to us with a kid friendly staff, menu, etc.

    I believe there will always be kids therefore someone will always cater to them : ) I am not worried one little bit...

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  • I am totally ok with kids not going to nicer places. I would hate to be eating my

     $50+ meal only to have some punk running around or crying.

    Not concerned about it trickling down.

    Audrey Elizabeth 11-11-06 image
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  • I have no issue with nice 5 star type restaurants having a no kids rule or a no kids between x and y times type of rules.  Who wants to bring their kids to nice restaurants for an expensive meal that takes a long time anyway.  The few times that DH and I have gone out to really nice places (mainly with other people or for family celebrations) we have gotten a sitter for the kids so we can actually go and enjoy the meal.  I have a feeling that it would be hard to say this place is fine and that place is not as we have taken kids to nicer restaurants that I would say do not fall into "family" restuartants but that are far from 5 star fancy - just nicer sit down meals.  I think there is a lot to this and there is no way everyone will be happy.  I totally get not wanting to listen to a child scream or cry while I am trying to enjoy a nice adult meal and yes, there are places that I go that I would be surprised to see kids but its not often.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • I'm not worried about it.  There are always going to be restaurants where children are welcome.  Besides, I think a majority of those restaurants that are banning kids tend to be upscale, pricey ones.  DH and I don't frequent those kinds of restaurants, anyway, but if we do happen to go, it's for a special night out for just the two of us. 
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  • I'm not worried about it trickling down either.  Restaurants who ban kids don't rely on "family" business. 

    somewhere like, let's say, Red Robin does.  If they banned kids, they'd find that they lose a LOT of business.  If people would normally go there w/ their kids are told "Sorry, no kids", they aren't going to get a sitter and still come. They'll either find somewhere else to go, or they'll just stay home.


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  • That's fine with me. I doubt any of the restaurants I bring my kids to would implement such a policy, and I enjoy kid-free environments when I go out with DH. I do see it being difficult to enforce without coming off as a total jackhole or alienating potential customers.
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  • i'm fine with it.  noisy kids always irritated me in fancier restaurants pre-baby, and they still do now.

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  • Fine by me and ditto other posters. There are also adult-only hotels. I'm totally fine w/ that as well. I have a few adult friends who didn't have children for a reason, and they should also have places of respite that don't involve screaming kids. In addition to us parents.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

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  • I have no problem with it at all. While my kids are very well behaved in restaurants (and we're conscious of when they aren't behaving and remove them immediately) many kids aren't. The rare times DH and I get to go out for a nice meal sans kids I don't need or want to deal with other people's kids.
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  • imageshopgirl78:

    Some restaurants don't need kids and I like that there is somewhere to go kidless (in the event DH and I ever get a chance to go : ).  Kids are not meant to go everywhere.

    I do enjoy restaurants as a family also and we enjoy the ones that the kids enjoy the most (sometimes that's McDonalds and sometimes that is Texas Roadhouse :) I don't live in a fancy smancy town...for now, at this point in our lives, we will go to those that most appeal to us with a kid friendly staff, menu, etc.

    I believe there will always be kids therefore someone will always cater to them : ) I am not worried one little bit...

    I agree with this, too many times I've seen kids where they shouldn't be and the parents are shocked when the kid breaks a crystal glass, or a plate.. Yes, they think they have a wonderful, perfect two year old that can handle a 15 piece place setting, get a babysitter or go somewhere else.  This sits right up there with parents that take their toddler out to dinner at 10pm, or better yet, nap time.

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  • imageEastCoastBride:

    I'm not worried about it trickling down either.  Restaurants who ban kids don't rely on "family" business. 

    somewhere like, let's say, Red Robin does.  If they banned kids, they'd find that they lose a LOT of business.  If people would normally go there w/ their kids are told "Sorry, no kids", they aren't going to get a sitter and still come. They'll either find somewhere else to go, or they'll just stay home.



    It's funny that you use that example.  We had DS asleep in the stroller once and Red Robin wouldn't let us bring him in and park him by the table.   "Fire Code".  I get it, but that's the only place that's ever happened.  We walked next door to Longhorn (or some steakhouse chain) and got better burgers.  And I've never been back to Red Robin since.

     But, I agree - there are definitely places where I wouldn't bring my kids - and I would hope that people with any sense wouldn't either.  I don't worry about most of the places that I'm ok bringing them... 

  • I'm totally fine with it. If I leave my kids with a sitter so that I can have an "adult" evening, the last thing is need is for my night to be ruined by someone else's crying/misbehaving child.
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  • if its an upscale restaurant or certain places after a certain time at night then i totally agree. i dont think it will get out of control because these places want your business. if they do well serving families at 6pm and then make money by going "adults only" at 10pm then it would make sense for them to do that. not everything is appropriate for kids... i work in a spa and it would not be good for us if there were children running around the waiting room : /
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  • I honestly don't think the problem is the kids - it is the parents not willing to remove the kids when they are ridiculous.  We bring our kids to "fancy" restaurants all the time - granted, not at 8 at night, more like 5 or 6, but if you don't teach them to behave when they are little, how do they know how to behave when they are older?  We do, however, plan to take them out if they are ever ridiculous or interupting others in the restaurant...but if you go to a fancy place at 5, expect the kids or expect the older adults. 
  • I love your screename! just had to put that out there
  • I think it's great!
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